Chapter 39

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Fred and I are walking back to the Burrow and I cant help but glance over at him every once in a while. The sun hitting is hair just right could make my heart melt. Fred catches me looking at him and says,"Take a picture, it will last longer." I blush and look away from him. He laughs and takes my hand in his. 

After a bit we reach the Burrow and its around noon. We walk in the door and Molly greets us. I wave at her and she says,"We plan on going to Diagon Alley later, would you two like to join us." Fred and I look at each other and nod frantically. Molly laughs at us,"Ok go tell the others that we're leaving." We rush into the living area and Fred shouts,"We're leaving now!" Everyone gets up excitedly and gets their things. Arthur grabs a bowl containing floo powder and walks over to the fireplace. George steps up first and grabs some of the powder. He stands in the fireplace and throws the powder down while shouting,"Diagon Alley!" He disappears in the green flame. Fred reaches over and takes my hand. He pulls me over to his father and we both grab a handful of the silvery powder. We stand in the fireplace side by side and we throw the poweder to the ground at the same time while shouting,"Diagon Alley." We are engulfed by the green flame and I close my eyes tightly. I can still feel Fred holding my hand. When I open my eyes Fred pulls me out of a fireplace in the middle of the wall. We spot George and walk over to him and wait for the rest of the Weasley's. 

After a few minutes the rest of the family arrives. We all plan to meet in two hours and head our separate ways. The Twins and I head over to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor. We walk over to the counter and a woman with curly black hair walks over to us and says,"How can I help you kids?" We glance up at the menu and Fred and George say at the same time,"Chocolate please." The woman laughs and snaps her fingers. Two chocolate ice creams appear and she hands them to the Twins,"And what for you dear?" I respond,"Vanilla please." She smiles warmly at me and snaps her fingers again. She hands me the ice cream and says,"That will be one galleon please." George hands her the money and we sit down at a table in the corner. We all start eating our ice cream and George says,"I say we get Rayla here an owl." I think about it and say,"I have always wanted an owl. Let's do it." The twins nod and we keep eating the cold desert. 

We exit the ice cream shop and head down the street to the Owl Emporium. We walk in and are greeted by an elderly woman with kind eyes. She smiles at us and says,"Looking to buy an owl?" I nod and she says,"Ah yes the young lady. Tell me a bit about yourself." I proceed to tell her some things about myself and when im finished she nods and says,"I have the perfect owl for you." She leads me to a cage on the far left wall. Inside the cage is a beautiful barn owl who is staring at me with its dark eyes. I look at the woman and she says,"She is pretty young. I think she would suit you  perfectly." I nod and ask,"How much?" The old woman responds,"10 Galleons." I hand her the money and Fred helps me take the cage down. He hands it to me and George asks as we walk out of the shop,"What are you going to name her?" I ponder over it for a minute before saying,"Artemis." Fred looks confused for a moment,"Isnt that the name of a Greek goddess?" I nod,"Yes it is. Artemis was the goddess of hunting,wildlife, and was often pictured with the moon." I look at the owl in the cage and smile. 

We arrive back at the burrow and go off to do our own thing. I walk up to my shared room with Ginny and set the cage down on the nightstand next to my bed. I open the cage and reach my hand into the cage. Artemis stares at it cautiously before stepping onto my forearm. I bring her out and sit on my bed. I stroke the back of her head and she leans into my hand wanting me to do it more. I jump a bit when I hear Fred chuckle. He walks into the room and sits beside me. I get up quickly and set Artemis back in her cage,leaving the door open because I dont want her to feel trapped. I sit back down next to Fred and lean my head on his shoulder. He laughs and pulls me onto his lap. I giggle as he tickles my sides. He stops tickling me and rests his chin on the top of my head and says,"That owl really does suit you." I smile and say,"She is beautiful." Fred chuckles,"Not as beautiful as you." I laugh and say,"Well that was cheesy." He shrugs and kisses the back of my head laughing with me. 

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