Chapter 14

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Today has been going great, or at least until I see Draco,Crabbe,Goyle, and Pansy walking towards the Twins and I. Fred and George instinctively step in front of me. I hear Draco laugh and say,"Looky there, the scared little witch is hiding behind the oh so powerful Weasley twins." The others laugh at that. Fred and George exchange glances and then they both take out their wands and use the rictusempra charm (tickles opponent). The four Slytherins fall to the floor in laughter. The twins and I step over them and continue our way to the great hall. 

Since its Christmas all the students are allowed to sit at whatever table they wish. I sit in between the Twins of course. The "Golden Trio" as we call them sit across from us. I look over at George who, just as I look over throws a strawberry at Ron. My eyes go wide as it hits Ron on the nose. Ron picks up an orange and attempts to throw it back at his brother. But just as its about to hit George, he ducks. The orange goes sailing across the room and its a poor Hufflepuff girl on the back of the head. She turns around and looks at George, assuming it was him threw the fruit, and throws a grape. Suddenly a Slytherin boy yells out, "FOOD FIGHT!" This is not going to end well. Everyone starts throwing their breakfast at each other. It was fun until a loud 'Splat' echoes through the great hall. We all stare at Proffesor Mcgonagall, who has a large glob of oatmeal atop her head. I look over to Dumbledore who winks at me. Mcgonagall then throws a grape at the headmaster and the food fight continues. I look up and see an.. apple? The green fruit is flying right towards Fred. I quickly grab Fred's hand and pull him down to the floor. He looks at me and says,"Thank you." But then he does something unexpected. He grabs his mug of apple cider and pours it over my head. I gasp and stare at the red head. Oh it is so on. I grab a bowl of porridge and fling it at his chest. This is gonna be one fun morning. 

About an hour after the massive food fight I go to the bathrooms. I shower and change my clothes. Im now wearing blue jeans, a white tank top, and a red flannel. I then go to my room to get the presents that my family sent me and walk up to the library. The Twins and I agreed to open our presents together in the library. 

I finally reach the library and see the Twins sitting at a table in the corner. Fred and George open their present first. They each receive one of Molly's hand knit jumpers,candy, and a few gold coins to spend at Hogsmeade. After they finish I start opening my own presents. I receive a new blanket from my older sister, Amelia. A few coins from my grandparents. Lastly I grab the tiny blue box sent from my mother. I open it to see a tiny blue sapphire set in a star shape on a silver chain. I look over to Fred and ask him,"Mind helping me put it on?" Fred nods and gets up and comes behind me. I hand him the necklace and then lift up my hair. I feel his warm fingers move across the back of my neck. He clips the necklace then takes my hair from my hands and gently sets it down. I look over to George as Fred sits down and he wiggles his eyebrows up and down. I stick my tongue out at him and shrug it off. The three of us all hang out in the library until dinner time. These Weasleys are going to be the death of me, but I still love them. 

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