Pt 113

539 16 21

It's been a week and a half since the Europe incident with Mysterio.
We were all over the news again, so was Beck.

They were calling his story:

'the fall of Quentin Beck'.

The amount of press the story got was insane.

We were even being asked to give our testaments on him and how things went down for us.
I declined them all.

I guess the story of how he went from a lucky businessman with great ideas to an unstable murderer, was something people wanted to read.

I for one, couldn't stop thinking about everything that happened on London bridge

I knew that what went down and everything that happened to Beck had to. But there was something wrong to me about it all...

Of course I didn't tell anyone this, if I did I don't know what my family would think of me.

But needless to say I haven't really been the same since.

Nobody saw what I did. Not really.

*~ flashback ~*
On the bridge

"Beck! It's over. Feds are on their way" dad nods sounding proud of us

"I hate you! All of you!" He yells at us hysterically as Pietro ties his hands

"You'll never come near our family again" dad sneers

As the armored trucks approached sirens wailing I watched him writhe

As the rest of my family turns away to talk and celebrate. I stand there.

He still yells. Like a hurt animal or a man with broken pride? All at once it was both.

To say I had a slight internal panic was an understatement.

My mind was almost stretching time out as I rethought everything we had done.

I meet the eyes of the man who minutes ago could've killed me.
But he didn't??

He stares at me tears as his eyes, mouth hangs drowning all ears with sobs.

I didn't know what to think anymore.


The sound of my boyfriends voice brought me back

"I'm coming" my brain forces the words out of my mouth as I put on a convincing half smile

He turns back and so do I. Back to beck

The officers were picking him up in cuffs. Like an animal.
He stares at me.

"Help" his lips form the word but he can't say it aloud

I read his lips and stand frozen as they carry the man screaming into the truck

"That is the last of Quentin beck that we will be seeing for a long time." Dad sighs putting a hand on my shoulder

"Good" Pietro huffs

"Great teamwork kiddos" Steve nods

"We were pretty great" I smile trying to bring myself back to reality.

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