pt. 48

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"Y/n! Where are you?!" I hear Steve yelling as he runs around the tower

"The lab!" I yell and he runs quickly to me

"Hey! what is wrong?" He brings me into a hug as a bottle smashes against the tinted lab windows

"He is drunk off his ass, he literally destroyed the whole lab" I huff as Steve grunts

"It's my fault. I've got it" Steve sighs

"I'm coming in with you" I insist as Steve opens the door

"Fine but if he tries to throw anything else at you, you're leaving" He says seriously

We enter and at first dad doesn't notice, then he does

"YOU! Get out now. I don't want anything to do with you" Dad points at Steve backing away like a scared puppy

"Tony please just hold on for a second, we can talk" Steve stays confident walking towards dad

"GO! I said get out" Dad grabs a glass from the counter

"Don't throw it dad" I put my hands out and his eyes shift to me

"Oh what so you're on his side now?? He hasn't been here for you!" dad looks at me like I'm crazy, he spits his words at steve in a spiteful tone

"Don't listen to him Y/n" Steve warns me

"Don't tell her what to do!" Dad yells chucking the glass at us. When it hits the floor glass shatters everywhere hitting me in the face

"You're kidding right Dad!?! I can't believe you!" I yell

"God Tony really?! I am taking Y/n with me. You need to get help" Steve doesn't dare take any more steps near him

I run out of the lab and call Rhodey. I tell Rhodey what happened and he is here in a matter of seconds to help.

"I can help him Steve, don't worry" Rhodey says as he hugs me

"Have him call me when he is sober" I sigh

"Will do squirt" Rhodey smiles a little before heading to the lab

I go back to the compound with Steve for the night.

"Listen y/n I'm really sorry about all of this.. A lot of it is my fault." Steve shakes his head sighing

"I know Steve... I just wish we could be how we were again" I shrug

"You can come on the mission with me. It is in 3 days, to Lagos. I am taking you Sam, Nat, Wanda, and Pietro"Steve tells me

"Thanks.." I smile a little before running to my room

I change into my pajamas and try to call Pietro but he doesn't answer so I decide to go to his room to see him. I open the door but I find that he is already asleep. Even if I still have school tomorrow I can at least sleep here, It has been a while since I got to actually sit with him. So I lay down and get under the covers, not sure if he was asleep or if he did it on purpose but as soon as I got comfortable Pietro turned over facing away from me. I don't say anything even though it makes me angry so I just let myself fall asleep.

When I wake up for school Pietro is already gone for workouts. So I get ready for school and leave the compound. I check my phone to see a text from Rhodey saying everything was going to be okay. It is Tuesday now, all I have to do is survive till Friday for the mission

I get to school and immediately put my earbuds in, I really wasn't in the mood for people's bullshit today. I told Abbey and Justin what happend when suddenly my phone wouldn't stop ringing. I asked to be excused and ran to the bathroom.

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