Pt 105

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(Hey guys before the chapter starts I want to just warn y'all ,, there is a little smut in this chapter that I was bold enough to write 😳. Lmao please be nice I really never write it)
Thanks :)

Now that I've graduated summer has begun. I have the whole world in front of me. What now?

"Dad can I have all rights to my foundation now that I'm basically an adult?" I ask with a sweet smile

"Sure kid, but I still have basic ownership till you're a real adult" he nods

"Thanks dad! Now that I have more time I want to invest more into it" I nod

"That's great, so what's the big summer plans?" Dad asks

"I'm not sure yet" i sigh thinking

"Well I've got two tickets and some keys to a new beach house in the Caribbean with your name on it" he says nonchalantly

"You didn't!" I gasp knowing what he did

"It's the families house. But you get first stay. It's part of Steve and I's gift" dad nods

"oh thank you dad!" I jump onto him in a hug

"Go tell Pietro" he chuckles happily

I run off and grab my boyfriend

Next thing I know we are in the Caribbean

"So this is the beach house?" Pietro asks taking off his sunglasses

The house in front of us is gigantic!! I shouldn't have expected anything less
Probably 3 stories and a balcony on the roof

"This is insane" I gasp

"It's all ours" Pietro smiles

"I guess so! Let's go in!" I grab his hand and skip to the door

But it's already unlocked?

"Hold on" I say suspiciously

I equip my blaster hand armor and get ready to attack

I walk in and check the rooms till I get to the lounge

"Hands up!-
I start to shout before I realize who it is

"Woah!" Harley jumps dropping the sandwich he was eating

"Harley- oh my god! Y/n?" Melissa jumps seeing me

"Jesus I'm sorry" I breath shakily as I put my blaster down

"Nice to see you sis" Harley laughs a little before picking up the food he dropped

"Fun sibling time" Pietro smiles knowing I am not too thrilled

"Harley! Dad gave you a key too!?" I ask

"Of course he did, I graduated too you know" Harley shrugs

"This is great" Melissa smiles gladly giving me a hug

"So great" pietro laughs a little as I glare at him

"Look at us in the Caribbean! By the way we got the master bedroom. There might be another" Harley says with a smirk

"There are probably a million master rooms in this place" I say looking around the giant house

"I got the bags babe" Pietro takes the bags and runs them upstairs

"Listen sis I know you're a lil upset but it won't be bad I know it" Harley says

"It's alright Harley, just was expecting a fun getaway with my boyfriend" I shrug

"well now it's both of our getaway! Come on let's celebrate!" He nudges me

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