Pt. 86

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I wake up in my cottage room. The nicely decorated atmosphere makes me happy.

I can hear laughter from somewhere in the house which is what woke me up in the first place.

I get up to investigate.

The familiar laughter of Steve and dad echos throughout the house.

I go out on the porch to find the both of them laying in a hammock laughing hysterically

"Hey! What's so funny" I can't help but laugh

"S-Steve's- hahaaa- Steve's body is shaped like a Dorito!" Dad manages to say through laughs

At first I think it's stupid that their laughing so hard at that. But it's actually hilarious so I end up laughing as well

"Whatever it is it can't be that funny" Harley groans walking out onto the patio next to me

"Sorry junior, we wake you up too?" Dad finally stops laughing

"You sound like a pack of deranged hyenas" Harley snorts

"Shut up" I roll my eyes finally ending my laughter

"Hey how about some breakfast" Steve grins

Harley belts out as we help Steve make pancake mix

"Who knew Harley could sing" Peter yawns entering the kitchen

"Yeah he took tone deaf to a whole new meaning!" I smile sarcastically

"Shove it" Harley snickers throwing flour at my face

"Oh shit" Peter gasps

"Whatcha gonna say now huh?" Harley chuckles

"I'm gonna kill you!" I grunt

I pick up anything I can and start throwing it all over him

"Dads gonna kill you" Peter shakes his head while eating the chocolate chips off the counter

"What now dipshit!?" I hold Harley on the ground

Then Harley reaches up on the counter and grabs the big bowl of batter and pulls it down over us

"Harley!!!!" I screech feeling the sludgy batter hit my hair

"Gotcha beat sis" he coughs from the flour before laughing at me

"What the hell is this!?"

Harley and I snap up to see dad

"Alright kids I found the vanilla!" Steve struts back into the kitchen enthusiastically

"Turn back while you can" peter whispers to Steve.

"Dad I tried to tell y/n this was a childish fight" Harley gives a fake sigh

"Dad! He's bullshitting you!" I gasp

"Hey it's alright I'll help, let's get cleaned up" Steve sighs trying to stay positive

"Steve no-

"Yeah pops I'm sorry y/n did this" Harley shakes his head

"It's okay! Easy clean up" Steve smiles


"Listen up! Steve you don't touch a thing. I'm only gonna say this once. I don't give a shit Who started it.." Dad says totally serious

"Okay..." Harley shrugs

"But one thing... you forgot to add water!!" Dad laughs as he grabs the sink hose and starts spraying us with it

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