Pt 51

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I take a shower and lay down to work on a paper for my college portfolio.
God I can't believe they are on a break. What are we gonna do.
Just as I get caught in my thoughts there is a loud explosion outside.
I sit up and listen to hear anything else.

"Stay here please" I hear vision say to Wanda

Suddenly Pietro runs in my room and grabs my book bag.

"Woah what are you doing?" I ask as he grabs my charger and some clothes stuffing them into the bag

"Clint is here to get us! We don't have to be in lockdown anymore!" He smiles handing me my bag

"Like here to break us out??" I ask

"Yeah come on!" He goes to my door and then turns around noticing I haven't moved

"I can't" I shake my head thinking of dad

"Oh sure you can. It's better than being Imprisoned here" he grabs my arm and I stand up

"I'm staying. I can't go" I say sternly moving my arm out of his grasp

"You're really on his side with this then??" He asks

"I thought I made that clear earlier" I shake my head

"I thought maybe you would've changed your mind for me" he says as if that's the obvious choice

"Oh? Really you thought- I'm not leaving" I shrug sitting back down

"Okay I'm going to make this simple. If you come with us we can be together but if you don't.. I can't do this anymore" he says gesturing between us

"You're kidding- you're really going to make me choose??!" I laugh and he just stares waiting for an answer

"If I really have to choose, then I'm staying. I will be staying on my dads side. End of discussion" I say

"Fine. Then I guess this is it" he sighs

"I-I guess we are done then" I say turning away so he won't see the tears forming in my eyes

"I wish you wouldn't do this" he says with so much disappointment in his voice

"Me!? You're the one who is asking me to choose!" I grab my pillow and throw it at him feeling the tears fall

"You're the one who chose the wrong side" he spits back

"Get out! Go!" I push him out the door

Through the doorway I see vision talking to Clint and Wanda.
Clint looks at me but before he can say anything I slam my door shut.
I fall to the ground tears streaming now. Too much is going on I can't take it.
I feel my mind start to spin again thinking of dad and pops. I close my eyes trying to catch my breath.
I clutch my necklace trying to find peace
"God I need help" I say wiping tears
I clutch my necklace harder feeling my hands start to shake.

"Y/n?" I hear someone say through the door, the voice alone ends my shaking

"Thor?" I say quietly not believing that it's him

"Open the door please " he says calmly

I move away from the door so he can open it

"Thor?!" I smile a little through the tears seeing him crouch down to my level

"Come on" he says with a soft smile lifting me up

"What are you doing here??" I say trying to stop the tears

"You needed help so here I am!" he says wiping a tear from my face

"Your hair got so long!" I giggle a little looking up at his golden hair now past his shoulders

My super family Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora