Pt 83

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"Okay Stark family time to get up!" Dad drops his voice in all the kids rooms using Fridays technology

I groan rolling over in bed

I check my phone to find I have text messages from my Friends. And Pietro :)

Abbey & Justin- "can't wait for the party tonight!!"

Pietro 💞- can't wait to see you tonight ;)"

The party!
I spring up from bed and sprint downstairs.

"Dad dad dad! I'm so excited for the party" I bounce around the kitchen

"Good morning to you too. Hey we are going to the tower early to finish my arm" he says handing me a plate of food

"Sweet!" I smile

I walk to the table where Steve is sitting with dads tablet

"Whatcha doing pops?" I ask sitting down

"Looking through my digital closet Tony made for me" Steve smiles softly swiping away

"I should figure out what I'm going to wear too!"

After eating I run upstairs to find a dress I know will fit me perfectly. It's beautiful! Captures all my curves and body perfectly :)

I pick it out with shoes as well.
Tonight can't come any faster

"Alright everyone, bring what you need we're going to New York!" Dad shouts

We all pack into the car , Bucky sits in the back with us kids.

I fall asleep on the way there. So when the car stops Bucky shakes me awake

"Home!" Dad smiles jumping out of the car

Bruce meets us in the lobby. The three of us go straight to the lab to get to work.

"I started on a blueprint and a 3-d copy." Bruce shows us the plans he mapped out

"Exceptional work doc. Let's get to work" dad smiles excitedly

Time skip :))

In just three hours we have the finished product sitting in front of us.

"The nano bytes should connect straight to your nerves and make an instant connection" Bruce nods checking his work

"Okay... y/n wanna help me get this off?" Dad asks holding his arm up

"Of course" I nod

We take apart the metal hand so dad can take his arm out.
The skin is torn and scarred. He can barely look at the mangled mess.

"Okay Bruce. New arm time!" I smile as Bruce and I secure dads arm into the new glove

"Okay Tony. Move it" Bruce stares at the arm impatiently hoping it works

Dad stares at his arm as well.
The anticipation is almost too much

Then in one swift motion his arm moves

My super family Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon