Pt. 122

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-the next episode started with a very 90-2000s vibe and it had pietro and I seem like the very quirky aunt and uncle which was fun to play. Then we were set. It started with us at Wanda's house.

The whole place is decorated for Halloween and Billy already has his costume on
Pietro and I are on the couch resting while the boys hang out. Pietro is lightly napping on one side of the couch since I made him get up early today.

"Halloween is so cool, you get to be someone else for a whole day!" Billy smiles going to grab some cereal
He is the only one of the kids already dressed up he has on a red cape and a blue head band

"Who cares! I can't wait to get all the candy" Tommy smirks making his own cereal first

"Maybe we can smash some pumpkins!" Faith says a bit quietly

"Where's your costume Tommy?" Billy asks his brother

"I'm wearing it. I'm the cool sibling" Tommy smiles proudly at his joke

"Well what about Billy and I?" Faith asks

"Billy- a dorkasaurus Rex" Tommy laughs

"Not a real dinosaur" Billy makes an unamused face

"And Faith? He's probably a smidge bit cooler than me" Tommy pats his cousins shoulder as Billy rolls his eyes

"Kids come quick! I think Pietro is a vampire!" I run into the kitchen frantically

"What!?" Billy asks
"No way" Faith and Tommy say at the same time

I run with them to the couch where I put fake fangs in Pietro's mouth with fake blood dripping out of his mouth as well.
Of course we planned it but it was my idea!

"I knew it" Tommy nods getting closer to get a good look

"I don't know about this..." Billy says grabbing his brothers arm

"Yeah... me either" Faith gets closer to his dad

"You guys are just scaredy-cats-

"BOO!" Pietro jumps up and scares the three boys

"RUN!!" I yell and laugh as the boys and I run around, pietro runs around us really fast

Suddenly pietro catches me and pretends to bite me which makes the boys yell more
I try not to laugh as fake blood gets on me

"Oh someone better be bleeding, broken, or on fire!" Wanda rushes down the stairs
She's wearing a cute red leotard with pink tights, a red cape, and a red head piece.

"Woah mom! Are you old red riding Hood?" Billy asks which makes pietro laugh

"I'm a sokovian fortune teller" she smiles putting her hands up as if she's holding a crystal ball

"Wow that is so...

"Rad!" Tommy finishes his uncles sentence

"Lame!" Pietro jokes correcting his nephew

"Lame" tommy corrects himself to be more like his uncle

"Well I love it" I smile and swat pietro in the ribs

"Me too, just joking with ya sis. Come on it's my favorite holiday!" pietro smiles

"I like it too aunt Wanda" Faith smiles

The boys go to play video games as Wanda talks to pietro and I about what we should wear

Then Vision comes downstairs sporting some red converse green tights, yellow gym shorts, a green long sleeve, yellow gloves and a yellow cape. And his face is painted

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