Pt. 12

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"Y/n! Time to get upppp" I hear dad say in a sing-song voice
My light is on which hurts my eyes so I pull my blanket over my head

"Come on sleeping beauty, we gotta get you to New York" dad pokes me a few times

"Jeez I forgot we had to go there" I yawn checking the clock which says 4

"I know it's early squirt but you can sleep on the way there and get ready at the tower" dad smiles sleepily his hair is all messy

"Okay lets go" I laugh getting up to stretch

"Big day! Fifth grade" I hear dad trying to be peppy and supporting
"Of course- I uh skipped 2 grades at your age so can't really relate but! I know you're gonna do great, and meet lots of friends, and—"

"Dad stop worrying please" I sigh hugging him and he hugs back

"Sorry kid I cant help it. You're growing up so fast" he sighs

"Dad it's okay! I'm gonna be fine" I smile up at him

We grab my things and go downstairs

"But dad steve isn't up?" I question

"He's not coming princess, we're gonna let him sleep" sad yawns

"And you didn't sleep all night because you're leaving him" I sigh

"No" dad shrugs falsely

"You totally did! What did you build this time?" I ask

"Nothing come on let's go meet Rhodey" dad sighs taking me out the door

I turn around before the door closes watching Steve  turn in his sleep.

"Come on y/n" dad yawns getting into the Audi

"Okay. But ima miss steve" I rub my eye going on my phone

"I know. Me too but hey you're gonna have fun today"

We drive to the airport and get on the jet. I can barely sleep with all the anxiety running through me about school.
A few hours later we landed on the tower which on the outside now says avengers!!

"Woah dad is this like the avengers tower now" I smile

"Soon. It will be" sad shrugs and we walk in

I go to my room and get ready for school. It's about seven now and I'm eating light breakfast.

"Miss y/n there is a Steven Rogers is calling" jarvis says

"Pops!" I yell running into the other room and Turning on the big screen
The video connects and pops shows up. He's sitting on the couch looking very tired

"Heyy there's my girl" he says with a smile

"Hey pops-"

"Can you see me? I can't tell on this thing" pops says flipping around the screen

"No pops you're fine!" I laugh watching him fool around

"Okay, okay. Now you're gonna have a great day and I know you will." He nods

"I can't wait to see my friends" I smile as he sips coffee

"Right- but! No boys" dad says coming in

"Morning tony" steve smiles

"He cutie how's the coffee" dad winks and hands me my bad

"Is it time" I look at the clock

"We should get a move on Kid" dad chuckles

"Bye pops call ya later"

"We'll call you later love you bye" dad does a kissy face at the screen and then we go downstairs

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