Pt. 132

292 11 6

"Think about it, we send them back they'll die. I can't let that happen" Peter says standing tall

"Parker I'm sorry but no" strange sighs

"Wait but I only just got here, there's so much I need to know" other Pietro grabs my hand

I look at him and think of Westview

"Maybe Peter is right?" I suggest

"Y/n!? No" strange gives me an unhappy look

"Okay... just a little longer. That's all I'm asking" I give strange puppy dog eyes

"An hour. That's it" he caves in after a moment

"Sweet! Thank you!!" I smile at pietro

"He can meet your pietro" Peter suggests

In less than a minute other pietro runs us to the lake house where pietro is.

"Hey honey- oh my god" pietro comes out on the porch and stops.

"Pietro, meet pietro" I giggle

After a moment they are totally infatuated with one another and they will not stop talking

"Oh man and the whiplash people get is the funniest part, tell me how Tommy is with his powers" pietro asks about our nephew

"Oh man Tommy is our prodigy! He's great" other pietro laughs

"And faith?" I butt in

"Yes, how is our faith?" Pietro puts an arm around me

"Faith is- incredible. Already 14 and helping out his community so much. He's so much like y/n... and his powers fascinate me to no end." He chuckles

"14 wow..." I take a shakey breath thinking of my beautiful son

"We only got to know him for a short time" pietro frowns

"I'm sorry... then you must not know about-
Other pietro stops and smiles

"About what??" I ask

"Nothing... just know that there are other blessings in life you haven't met yet." Other Pietro smiles

"Thank you" I sniffle

"Faith is doing great. He loves his mom so much" other pietro can see the tears forming in my eyes so he gives me those words to hold onto

"Oh pietro thank you so much" I wipe a tear

"Of course. I'm sorry you can't be with him still"

"I will be soon. I know it" I nod

"Okay, it's been a while. I hate to send you away but I think it's time brother" pietro sticks a hand out to other pietro

"It has been a pleasure to get to know both of you" other pietro shakes his hand and brings him in for a hug

"I'll take you back to strange" I say as I compose myself

Soon we're back at the sanctum

"Alright strange it's time" I say going down into the basement

I walk in to find Peter has made acquaintances with all of the men we've trapped in the sanctum

"Good I'm getting tired listening to them talk about science" strange smiles softly

"Let's get them back where they came from" I nod

We grab the La machina de kadavus and strange gets ready to press the button

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