Pt 111

530 18 8

Tony pov ✨✨

I got off the phone with y/n worried about the new hero in town, Mr Quinn Bemus. I haven't told Steve about it yet, but I didn't want to get him worried unless I have to.

But I guess I'm not to good at hiding my own worry

"You're pacing again" Steve hums as he reads the news

"No I'm not" I lie through my teeth as I pace

"What's wrong?" Steve asks looking up at me
Danny sits beside him laying his head on Steves lap.

"Why do you assume something is wrong?" I ask finally stopping myself from pacing

"Honey I know you too well" steve chuckles

"Alright. I'll tell you..." I sigh knowing I can't hide it

"Go on" he nods calmly

"Welllll.. the kids may or may not be fighting an elemental monster with a guy from another dimension, and y/n thinks he's a total fake" I say

"Elemental what.." Steves face goes a little blank trying to process this

"A monster.." I say

"And the kids are fighting it with an alien man?" Steve asks

"Yes, But fury is there!" I justify

"Who's the guy?" Steve asks

"Quinn bemus..." I say

"Hmm. Do we know anything about him?" Steve asks

"Good question. The face is familiar..." I sigh showing Steve a picture

"Ask Jarvis?" Steve suggests

"He's still in beta mode. No files yet" I frown

"Then I guess we will have to do some searching through the files" Steve smiles encouragingly

"But- Honey do you think the kids will be okay?" I ask worried

"We raised them, I think they can handle themselves" Steve smiles

Then Steve and I searched through files for hours.

"Anything yet?" I ask tired from flipping through folders upon folders of paperwork

"Actually.. I have something you should see..." he looks at me cautiously as he shows me a picture

It's from my 2016 event at MIT?

"Look familiar?" Steve asks

"Yeah I was presenting my BARF technology" I nod

"Look closer" Steve points to a man standing behind in the curtains.

Looks almost exactly like-

"God! Why didn't I think of this sooner" I facepalm immediately

"So you know him?" Steve asks

"God what's his name- Not bemus... Beck!" I remember my eyes go wide


"Yeah- we gotta go" I say nervously

"Why would he go after the kids?" Steve asks getting up

"I don't know- but they just took down a fire elemental in Prague" I say checking my phone

We take the jet and fly as fast as we can to Prague where the kids are staying

"Are they okay?" Steve asks as he holds his Shield

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