Pt. 26

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The rest of the week was pretty normal. Just Bruce and dad weren't around as much.
It's Thursday now.

"Hey Angie" I nod to the desk lady as I run to the elevator.
I go straight to the living room holding my 100% physics test

"Dad!" I yell but pops is the only one in the room

"He's in the-"

"Lab.. right" I sigh

"But what's up princess" pops asks putting the news paper down

"Look!!" I smile shoving the paper at him

"Wow a hundred" he smiles

"Yeah I was gonna show dad" I brush hair behind my ear

"Go see if he'll let you in" pops shrugs getting up

"Where are you going?" I ask him

"Work our room with nat. Do the laundry please" he says walking down the hall

"Is that dads sweater?" I ask looking at the smaller red sweater he's wearing

"Uh Yeah" pops says his face turning pink

"Pops no need to blush you guys are practically married" I laugh walking down to the lab

"Oh daaaadddd!" I smile putting in the code opening the door.
It's the first time I'd been in the lab since Sunday.

"Dad?" I ask again walking around seeing a million coffee cups crowded on a table

"But it thinks like a human. Then Jarvis-" I turn to see Bruce passed out on the desk talking in his sleep face covered in papers

"Jeez you guys need to take a break" I sigh looking around for dad

"Come on dad where are you?"

*airhorn blows*
"HuH?" Bruce's head lifts up for a moment before falling back down

"Dad?" I say waiting for a response

*airhorn blows a second time clearly from the bathroom*

"Dad?" I say confused looking in the bathroom to find him looking in the mirror

"This isn't deodorant" he says calmly  setting down the airhorn. Clearly sleep deprived. He turns to see me and his eyes are pure red and his hair is messy, coffee stains all over Steve's sweatpants he happens to be wearing

"You need sleep" I say mad at him trying not to laugh

"No I just woke up- I have to work" he says walking towards me almost falling

"Ugh- jarvis how long since dad slept?" I ask helping him out of the bathroom

"96 hours." Jarvis replies

"How many cups of coffee?" I ask

"23. Dr banner had 14" Jarvis says

"Thanks Jarv."

"Y/n I'm fine. I jus have to-"

"Dad!" I watch as he falls into his spinny chair

"Come on get up" I laugh a little walking him to the couch making sure he lays down

"Y/n wait  one more thing" dad says lifting his head up

"Yeah dad?"

"Don't tell steeb about his sweats I promise I'll buy him more." He says while wiping his eyes

"Okay dad go to-"

"And. I love you" he says pointing a finger at me

"I love you too ok now sleep" I smile watching him lay his head back down

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