Pt 125

540 21 13

"That was so cool mom! You should've seen Tommy Billy and I" Faith exclaims as we walk down the streets

"You did great kiddo, now it's getting late" pietro smiles at our son

"Here's our street!" Wanda smiles looking back at us but her smile is so forced

We walk to the house in between Wanda and ours.

"Billy and Tommy-
Wanda goes to give them directions but she gets a little choked up

"Mom?" Billy looks up at her

"Your mother means to say, It's time to say goodbye- Well, good night to your family, so they can go to bed as well" vision puts an arm around Wanda as he tells the boys

"Oh okay" Tommy nods and looks at Billy

They both give Faith a big hug

"Thank you both, for everything" Wanda looks at pietro and I

"What else is family for?" Pietro grabs his sister into a hug

"Y/n, though I didn't exactly get it at first I want to say I have really grown to love you as a sister. And it has been a pleasure" vision says kindly

"Oh vis" I frown a bit as he opens his arms for a hug

"The real vision is out there" he whispers to me and my eyes go a little wide

"I'll- miss you Vis" I nod taking that information and nodding

"Come here electrical socket" pietro chuckles giving vision another nickname as he hugs him

"Y/n, I didn't mean to get you guys wrapped up in this..." Wanda comes to me quietly

"It's alright, there's nothing you can do about it now. It's been fun" I hug her meaningfully

"Alright boys now say bye to your favorite aunt and uncle!" Pietro smiles at the boys

"Aunt y/n!" Billy jumps onto me in a hug as Tommy does the same to pietro

Faith hugs Wanda

"Now Billy and Tommy, you two are extraordinary, and I wouldn't want any other boys to be my nephews" I smile and they both sweetly kiss me on the cheek

"Night little dudes!" Pietro high fives them each

Faith says good bye to Wanda and vision and then the three boys give each other one last hug

"See you guys tomorrow!" Tommy smiles and that really breaks my heart

"Yep!" Pietro answers for me with a smile Wanda's face falls a little as she ushers the boys to their house

We go into our house and Faith runs to his room to get pjs on

"I'll be ready in a second mom!" He shouts closing his door

"I can't do this" I turn to pietro with tears threatening to spill

"I know- I know" pietro brings me into a glum hug as we both begin to face reality

"We have to do this for him, he needs us" pietro whispers as his voice breaks a bit

Then we hear faiths door open

I quickly wipe my tears

"Come on in" he smiles up at us

I have such a hard time not breaking down but pietro is right. We have to do it for him.

One last time I watch him hop into bed and drag his covers over himself

"Today was awesome! Did you guys see me!? I saw you- and aunt Wanda! Oh man" he laughs excitedly

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