Pt. 128

517 23 15

Nat and I drive for about an hour to the middle of nowhere.

"So how long will we be in the car?" I ask

"Shouldn't be for long" Nat smiles softly as we turn onto a dirt road

We drive into a wooded area till I see a jet waiting

"Ohh so we're going far" I smile

"Trust me you're gonna love it" she laughs a little

We get out of the car and grab our things to get onto the jet.

"Hmm... is it Clint's house? Cause my boyfriend is there and he needs some time-

"It's not Clint's house" Nat shakes her head as she reads a book

"Is it Bruce's beach house?" I ask just guessing at this point


"Fury's house? I've always wanted to know where he live-

"Sorry kiddo no" she chuckles

"Budapest?" I ask

"Budap- what do you know about that?" She looks up at me

"Oh nothing I just hear you and clint talk about it" I shrug

"Ok... no it isn't Budapest"

"Is it..."
I start to think when my phone starts ringing

"I bet it's Tony" Nat smirks guessing that my drama Queen dad would be calling

I pull out my phone to see the wizard of Oz is calling.

"Huh it's strange" I say

"What is?" She asks cluelessly

I just shake my head with a smile and answer the phone

"Hello Stephen" I answer totally forgetting that I haven't talked to him since before Westview, I was just happy to talk to him

*-Hi- don't call me that-* he answers and I smile hearing his already annoyed tone

"Sorry third dad" I giggle

*-Thats... better. What are you doing?-* he asks

"Nothing why?" I ask confused

*-Where are you going?-* he asks

"What you stalk me now?" I ask rolling my eyes to myself

*-Listen kid I heard what happened to you and I wanted to make sure everything was okay. I was worried about your well-being after Westview and now you just up and left forgive me for being concerned-* he sighs

"Thank you strange, I'm okay, I'm with Natasha to get away for a little bit" I smile softly

*-Alright... if you need anything don't hesitate to call.. if I don't answer bother Wong... he might be the better choice right now honestly-* he says seriously

"I'd love to bother Wong haha. Don't worry strange I'm safe, you keep working on whatever it is you're doing.. but I guess I miss you or whatever" I laugh

*-ok. I have to go. Miss you or whatever kid. Stay safe.-*

"Bye strange" I smile softly and hear the line go silent

I put my phone down and sigh

"Everything okay?" Nat asks looking up at me

"He was just checking up on me..." I nod looking out the jet window

"You miss being a wizard?" She asks

"Yeah, yeah I do. But I'll get back into it" I smile even though im unsure about the future

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