Pt 137

195 11 21

As I use my magic to fly us up the snow covered mountain, we find a unconscious Wong Laying on a cliff.

"Wong!" I say worriedly as I check his pulse

"Well?" Pietro asks

"He's alive" I nod and shake him a little to wake him up

With a large gasp Wong roars back to life

"Wong! What happened??" I ask

"It's Wanda- she's the most powerful she's ever been" Wong breathes heavily

"Where exactly are we?" Pietro asks Looking up the side of the mountain

"Mount wundagore. I thought it was just a place where the darkhold was transcribed. Turns out it was Wanda's throne all along" Wong explains

"We have to go stop her, she has America"

"She has magical beasts guarding her. We must be smart." Wong warns

"She won't hurt me. I'm her brother." Pietro sounds so sure. But I'm not as confident

"Where is strange?" Wong asks

"Not sure.. but he's gotta be here. I know he'll be here" I nod confidently

We begin to go up the mountain again with Wong now.

As we near the top I can hear America screaming as Wanda tries to take her powers

We have to do something quick!

Suddenly I see something hurdling through the sky?

It looks like a man with a bunch of black goo flinging him along the clouds

We reach the top of the mountain and Wong is quick to attack one of the large mystical beasts

Suddenly that man thing comes into view and uses what looks like demons to push the rest of the beasts off the cliff

I get a closer look and

"Oh my god. That's zombie Stephen" I make a ew face

"Like my new look!?" He asks with a half rotting smile

"You never looked so good. Now let's get Wanda"

"dream-walking?! You hypocrite!" Wanda yells throwing a ball of red magic at Stephen

The black cloak of demons surrounding him absorbs the magic

"This time it'll take more than killing me to kill me" Stephen mumbles before running at wanda

The demons go flying at her which distracts her for a moment

During this time pietro and I run to America

"America" I say

"Thank god you guys are here" she says looking scared

"We're gonna get you out of here" I promise her

Strange and Wong trap Wanda and the demons into a trap but she quickly starts to break free. Pietro runs over to be ready for when his sister breaks free

"Strange I wish it didn't have to be like this but I think you must take Americas power" Wong yells

"What!?" I interrupt

"Y/n this is no time to argue" Wong says

"This is the only way" strange says

"Strange!" I yell at him

Strange uses the dark magic to let America out of her restraints

"America listen to me" strange says to the girl

My super family On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara