Pt. 50

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Location: now back at the compound

"Dad! Dad guess what!" I yell running into the compound hoping to tell him about Peter.

"Y/n mr. Stark has already left. You are now on lockdown" Friday says which makes me instantly sigh in frustration

I take the elevator up to the lounge where Vision is cooking breakfast.

"Hey vis" I sigh plopping down on a stool

"Morning" he says in a chipper tone

I hear the elevator doors open to reveal Pietro. I watch as he gets out and grabs a cup of coffee.

"Food smells great vision" Pietro says nicely to vision but he doesn't even acknowledge that I'm there
I watch him like a hawk as he grabs his water bottle and goes back to the elevator. I get up and follow him.

"So what you're not going to even notice me now??" I ask following him but he just hums in response pressing the button

"Pietro. Hello?" I cross my arms standing behind him

The glass doors to the elevator opens and he steps in. I still stand idly by outside the elevator

"What did I do!?" I yell as he takes out his phone

"Pietro!" I sigh as the doors close
He presses the phone to the elevator door showing the pictures of me with other guys last night.

"But I-
Before I can say anything the elevator moves

"He's going to the gym" vision tells me

"Thanks vis!" I say as I run down the stairs to the gym hoping to get there at the same time

I feel my heart beat pounding as I run as fast as I can. As I approach the doors I hear the elevator ding.
When I go in I see Pietro walking towards his workout room.

"Pietro!" I say and he stops
I run in front of him and hold out my hand

"Jus-just wait a second" I laugh a little catching my breath but he just sighs

"Let me guess you want to explain yourself" he crosses his arms

"Explain?? I went to a party and some fans wanted pictures. Simple" I say a little offended that he's acting as if something more serious happened

"Just a party. That's it?" He questions

"Uh yeah." I roll my eyes

"Okay. I believe you" he says nonchalantly waking past me

"No offense but it's not like you've been around for me much" I say loudly and he stops in his tracks

"I'm sorry? Y/n I have tried to be supportive and here as much as possible. But while you're out living your amazing life full of friends and going to parties! All that and I've been stuck here waiting patiently thinking every day, oh yeah maybe today she will invite me to go with her to hang out. And then the times I did get to see you again all you did was push your problems and stress onto me. And on top of it all you signed the idiotic accords." he spits with a hint of sadness as he turns back around and slams the door

I stand there speechless. He's right. Ever since I went back to school and got closer to my friends I've been pushing relationships off to the side. It's all my fault

"Y/n.." I hear Wanda behind me

"Wanda" I finally breathe out heavily, reality hitting me as I've been stuck in my thoughts

"It's gonna be okay" she says trying to sound as confident as possible

"God... I don't know what to do" I say feeling my head spin losing my breath again

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