Pt. 3

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"New York!?" I say to myself sitting on the steps.

I get up and go back to my room. I find my phone which dad bought for me but I never use I️t. I go on Instagram and see that #starktower is trending. I look into I️t more and the same building dad showed me when I got adopted is now his and we are moving there.
I can't say I'm mad but I really like Malibu! And how am I gonna see pepper and Rhodey? And why do we need a giant tower for just me and dad!?

I was so zoned out in my thoughts I didn't even hear dad and Rhodey come upstairs.
Before I even look at them dad scoops me up and tickles me till I can't breathe.
I throws me back down and we laugh for a few minutes

"What was that for?" I laugh

"I have an announcement to make squirt" dad smiles and stands up

"Rhodey drum roll please!" Dad says and Rhodey starts drumming on the wall making me laugh

"We as of next month! Will be...." dad says

"Moving to.... NEW YORK!" Dad and Rhodey yell New York at the same time

"What about this house" I laugh

"I'll still own I️t. We can come here for summer" dad shrugs

"Yay!! Dance party" I shout and dad picks me up and spins around dancing

"Wait! How are we gonna see Rhodey and Pepper?" I say concerned I won't see them

"Well Since Pepper is my CEO she has the option to live in the tower and Rhodey can fly out whenever he wants" dad smiles

"Can I bring all this stuff with me?" I smile looking around my big room

"Kid you can have a whole floor of the tower to put all your stuff in" dad grins and I hug him

The rest of the week there was a huge group of people came in to pack up all of dads things.

"Listen up people! Everything in here is worth at least your life or more so be careful" dad says before coming up the stairs to my room

"Dad do you think I should put my barbies In a separate box or my carry on." I frown not knowing what to do

"Well I say put your favorite two or three barbies in your carry on and put the rest in a box" he says

"Ok thanks dad" I smile going to work

"Aren't you excited for school" he says with a fake excited look

"Dad are you kidding!?" I laugh

"I know I always hated school too but hey you get a chance to meet new friends" dad sighs

"Yeah I'm sure once they hear the name y/n stark they'll come running" I laugh

"Yeah just no boys please" dad laughs

"If he says no boys then tell him no girls" a voice says
I look up to see Pepper

"Pepper!" I smile and hug her she hugs me back

"Ok boss everything is packed" she says

"You have your stuff?" He Asks

"Yep all we have to do is get this little ones stuff in and then we are ready to go" Pepper smile

They stare at each other for a moment as of waiting for something to happen.

"Okk.. well let's go then" I say grabbing a box and handing I️t to dad

"Yeah we probably should" he says getting back to grabbing boxes and helping me

I take some downstairs and wait for dad to follow me but he doesn't. I go back up and see him and pepper talking.

"So New York is a new start for you?" Pepper says

"Nah I have a different uhm job offer" dad says clearing his throat

"With what shield!? Just please if you do anything be careful" she says concerned

"Don't worry pep I'll be fine" dad shrugs I️t off

"Don't forget I'm always here for you.. and y/n" Pepper says touching dads arm

"Thanks Pepper" dad says and moves away from her to grab some boxes

I run back downstairs and act like I've been waiting

"Finally dad gosh you're so slow" I smile

"Oh really? Race ya to the truck!" Dad yells and starts sprinting to the door

"Hey you're cheating" I laugh running after him

It's our last night in the Malibu house and we packed away everyone's bed so all we have is a couch left.

"Kid come here let's pick a movie to watch" dad shouts upstairs so I come running down

I look through dads movie collection there's not much for my age most of them are rated R.

"Jarvis is there anything here for me?" I ask

"There is one film still here suitable for you miss y/n"

"Ok which one" I ask

"The adventures of captain America" Jarvis says

"Oh I've heard of him! I didn't know he has a movie"

"He doesn't. These clips were filmed by Tony's father Howard." Jarvis says

"Thanks Jarvis that's enough" Tony says coming in

"Hey dad can we watch this pleaseeeee" I beg him

"I used to watch this all the time when I was your age" dad smiles nostalgically and puts the film on

He lays down on the couch and I sit on the floor.

I watch as the camera starts rolling and I️t shows a tall blonde man with a shield planning something with army people.

"Dad is that him" I smile when I turn around and see that dad has the biggest grin on his face watching this movie

"Yep that's him" dad says quietly

"You realllllyyyy like this movie huh" I giggle

"Oh hush come 'ere squirt" he says grabbing me and dragging me on the couch

We sit together and watch the film. I really haven't seen dad this happy doing anything else this must've brought back a lot of memories

I lean into him and he puts his arm around me. I slowly drift asleep hearing cap say.
"I'm not a perfect soldier. Just a good man"

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