Pt 92

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I guess I fell asleep during Nemo because I get woken up by screaming in the house

"God What is that?" I sit up quickly scared

"I think it's your brothers" Pietro yawns

"I'll be back" I sigh getting out of my comfy bed

I walk tiredly to the kitchen to see dad and Steve home with the groceries

"They're my Doritos get out!!" Peter jumps around on the ceiling as Harley chases him with a broom

"I just want one!!" Harley yells

"Why are you letting this happen" I sigh watching them

"It's kinda funny" dad smirks leaning on the counter

"Free entertainment" Steve jokes along

"Woah ma'am what happened here??!" Dad panics grabbing my bandaged arm

"Uhm dad it was just-

"What did you do? Are you okay??" He asks again examining my arm

"She had a scary flashback today. She's taking it easy so be careful" Bucky says coming into the kitchen with his hair in a messy bun

"Oh kid. I'm so sorry" dad goes quiet and gives me a hug

"It was scary dad... but I'm okay" I hug him back

"So what did you hit?" Dad asks with a smirk

"A glass panel" I giggle

"A glass panel!? My Lanta" Steve shakes his head worriedly

"Sorry dad" I laugh now

"It's okay I'm a billionaire anyway" dad shrugs



"Oh god what now" dad sighs

We run to see another glass panel broken and Harley looking out of it

Then some webs come back in the house lifting peter back into the compound

"Sorry dad" Peter says with a guilty face

"Second panel today" Steve and I can't help but giggle

"How did this even happen" dad just sighs

"I got the Doritos!" Harley yells triumphantly as he runs away from peter

"Hey get back here!" Peter runs after him

"I've told him not to use the webs in the house honey" Steve laughs

"Yeah laugh it up" dad can't help but smile

"Sir, colonel Rhodes is here" Jarvis alerts us

"Rhodey!?" I smile excitedly

"You called for a party, here I am" he says smoothly walking out of the elevator

"You're back!!" I run to him and give him a giant hug

"Yeah he's been a little busy with his intergalactic girlfriend" dad says with a smirk

"Girlfriend!?" I gasp

"Do you recall a certain Carol Danvers?" Dad chuckles

"Wow Thanks Tony I was going to tell her you know" Rhodey rolls his eyes

"Carol!? Really!?" I freak out excitedly

"Yes ma'am" Rhodey smiles

"That's amazing!? You guys are like perfect!" I laugh happily

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