Pt 121

503 24 11

Enjoy :)

Suddenly the boys all age from 5 to ten!!

"Let's just hope this dog stays the same size! Woof woof!" Agnes laughs with us

After that Agnes leaves and it's just the family again.
The boys haven't stopped playing with the dog out in the back yard

"Can you believe this! A dog now, I swear our family keeps growing" Wanda hugs her husband

"The boys just love sparky" I smile looking out the window

"Good going with the dog situation, but now I'm sure Faith will be asking non stop!" Pietro chuckles

"A dog wouldn't be so bad" I nudge him

"Maybe a fish would be better" he rolls his eyes and puts an arm around me

"Did you guys have a pet growing up?" I ask Wanda

"Pietro and I? Oh no, we didn't" she shakes her head

"There was that one dog at the foster home" pietro chimes in

"Well he wasn't ours" she counters him

"He kind of was" pietro bickers a bit with Wanda

"He bit me more than once!" She rolls her eyes and the audience laughs

"Maybe I told him to" pietro snickers


"Let's figure out what we should have for dinner shall we?" Vision asks breaking up the little sibling banter

"Vis you don't eat" Wanda laughs

"Yes, but the boys do and any minute the 3 of them will be asking for food" vision nods with a smile

"He's right, here Wanda I'll help you" I get up

As we make dinner Wanda and I chat while the dads go out and play football with the boys

"Everything at home good y/n?" Wanda asks

"Of course, it's actually been amazing. You know I didn't think having a child so soon would be a good idea... but seeing him, and all the joy he's brought to Pietro and I... And oh my god I feel like Pietro and I are just so on par with each other. It's great" I sigh rambling a bit

"I am so happy for you guys!" She smiles excitedly

"And you and vision?" I ask her

"Like you said, it's amazing. It's what I always dreamed of before..." she trails off suddenly looking sad

"Before what?" I ask innocently

"Oh nothing! I just meant this is all I've ever wanted. I couldn't be happier" she lightly smiles

"Well then, call us barbies because we're living in our dream world!" I joke and the audience laughs

"Looks like everything is ready, thank you for the help" Wanda nods proud of our cooking

I go to the door and open it

"Boys time to eat!"

We all sit at the big table together to eat and it's like one of those 80s shows outros where the family all sits together and has a nice meal. Very sitcom like.

Then it's time for Pietro and I to take Faith home

"Have fun trying to get those 3 apart" vision stands with his hands on his hips

My super family Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora