Pt 87

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Pietro and I had woken up early that morning to make some breakfast and hang out before my family woke up.
I tried to work out the physics of how he is able to run across water but I guess his powers are a mystery in themselves

Once he is gone I make breakfast for all the boys and set it out all nicely

"Hey Jarvis, drop into the boys rooms and tell them to get up" I say

After breakfast dad says we have a model shoot to do today.

Thankfully that doesn't take all day but it was a lot of fun.

We all sigh in relief as we sit at the table.

"That took forever" Harley complains

"I had fun" I smile

"Hey it's dinner time what do we wanna do?" Dad asks

"Greek food sounds good right now" I say honestly

"I don't think I've ever had Greek food" Peter shakes his head thinking

"Then let's go get some" dad suggests

"I'm so down for some food right now" Harley perks up

But then we get on the jet?

"What's going on dad?" I ask looking out the window as we take off

"Going to get some Greek food" dad shrugs

"Oh great" Harley sighs obviously understanding something that I don't

"Okay?" I ask still confused

An hour and a half later.

"Y/n come on we landed" peter shakes me

"Where are we-

I know exactly where we are the minute we land

"Somebody put some abba on!" Dad smiles excitedly

"We're in Greece!!!" I shout

"This is just beautiful" Steve marvels at the gorgeous buildings

After a delicious dinner of real Greek cuisine we take a walk around the lovely streets of Greece.

"I could sketch this whole city" Steve sighs as we look at the waters nearby

"I feel just like the girl from mamma Mia!" Peter squeals excitedly as he puts on the flower crown I bought him

"Don't worry I bought one for you too drama queen" I smile pulling one out of my bag for Harley

"Oh great." He sighs

"What you don't like it?" I ask disappointed

"I bought you the same one!" He smiles showing me the same flower crown

So we walk around in matching crowns looking adorable!

"Wait! I need a picture" Steve and dad take out their phones and make the three of us pose together

After Greece we spent the rest of the week in Italy

"Who's ready for Fiji?"

After another jet ride we are landing in gorgeous Fiji.

"Oh I'm so getting drunk on this beach" Harley laughs as we run around

"And I will be right next to you!" I laugh with him

Steve plays frisbee with Danny while dad sits in a cabana chair taking in the sun

We probably stayed up all night playing all over the beach and just having fun

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