Pt. 32

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I get shaken awake as the jet lands. Dad isn't next to me anymore so I get up and turn off my music

"Where are we?" I ask looking out the jet to see a farm house

"Safe house" Natasha smiles obviously knowing something the rest of us don't

"Come on squirt" dad sighs with a smile as we walk off the jet.

"This place is cool" I smile a little seeing the peaceful scenery. A large house with a play set in the back, a barn, tall grass, perfect for a family.

"Yeah what exactly is this place??" Dad asks again

"You'll see" Clint smiles happily

We walk into the house to find that it's just a normal house.
I look around to see clint in family pictures? Two adorable kids and a wife? Doesn't really sound like Clint but okay.

"Hey Honey!" Clint shouts

A heavily pregnant woman comes out from a room and her eyes light up at the sight of us.

"Hi, company. Sorry I didn't call ahead" Clint smiles hugging her

"Hey" she smiles laughing a little and we all give a little wave

"She's an Agent" dad points at her as Thor nods almost believing it

"Everyone this is Laura" Clint grins introducing his wife

"I know all of your names" she smiles awkwardly

Suddenly footsteps come running down the stairs

"Ooh incoming!" Clint laughs as the two kids run and hug him

"Dad!!" The kids chant happily
I smile wondering how long it's been since they've seen Clint. Reminds me of dad and I

"These are smaller agents" dad jokes trying to come up with a good reason why Clint didn't tell us about them

"Auntie Nat!!" The girl smiles and hugs Nat

"A traitor, you knew!!" Dad gasps like a child pointing to Nat

"Of course I knew I'm auntie nat" she laughs a little

"Sorry for barging in on you." Pops says like a gentleman

"Yeah, we would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed." Dad says

"Yeah, well Fury helped me set this up when I joined. He kept it off SHIELD's files, I'd like to keep it that way. I figure it's a good place to lay low." Clint nods to all of us

We watch as Nat talks to Laura and the kids.
Everyone looks happy except for Thor. I notice the way he's gripping his hammer so tightly then suddenly he walks out. I trail after him

"Thor!" I shout after him

"Y/n go back inside" he sighs thoughtfully

"Thor Wait!?" I walk after him

"Thor!" Pops booms from the porch so Thor stops

"I saw something in that dream. I need answers. I won't find them here" he says getting ready to fly away

"Thor!" I run to him quickly and give him a hug

"Just be careful" I smile and he sighs

"I'll be back for pop tarts soon!" He chuckles and I watch him fly off

I go back to the porch where steve is.

"Ready to go back in?" I smile hopping up the stairs past him. But he doesn't move?

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