Pt 8

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After a while of trying to paint the tower dad and I realized we aren't suited for painting.

"Cheeseburger?" Dad smirks putting down the paint roller

"Oh god yes please" I laugh throwing the brush on the tarp

"Don't worry kid I gotta Crew coming in here to do the rest" he says wiping sweat off his forehead which gets paint on his face

"Dad you dork" I smile grabbing a wipe and getting it off

"Thanks" he says blankly staring at the wall

"What's wrong" I frown and look behind me to see the picture of me dad Pepper and rhodey smashed on the ground from the battle only a couple days ago

"Oh dad it's alright" I walk over and grab the picture away from the broken glass

"I'm sorry about everything" he sighs holding his forehead with his hand

"Dad it's not your fault okay. You had to save the world!" I frown seeing my dad like this

"I- I can't get that darkness out of my head. When everything slipped away. I just wanted to see you" he says his voice cracking

"Hey hey. You can see me now! Come on let's go get cheeseburgers" I try to be positive but I cant stop thinking about that feeling when I had thought he died.

"I don't know what I'd do without you kid" he says with a small smile

I grab dads hand and we go down to the car. We drive to our favorite burger shop and sit down

"Hey squirt watch my phone I'm going pee" dad smiles and throws his phone at me before walking away.

He goes in the bathroom and I steal a sip of his milkshake. He always gets chocolate, I get vanilla. I put his back and then his phone buzzes. Of course me being the nosey girl I am I pick up the phone and turn on the screen to see a text message from Steve?
I put in the password and open it.

*Hey want to meet up tonight? :)* - capsicle

That's odd? How long have they been texting?
I scroll up to see a conversation from yesterday.

*hey tony! How's the tower looking. Hope you're doing well.* -capsicle

*hiya capsicle things are going alright. Didn't think you'd actually take my number ;)* - me

*you were too cute not too haha. I'm glad things are okay* -capsicle

*you gotta come around again Steve. I miss you 😌* -me

*ill be around for sure just text me* -capsicle

*for an old man I'm surprised you can text* -me

*oh shut up tony 😂* - capsicle

*make me ;)* -me

*really tony? Make me. Is that all ya got? Haha I'll see you soon* -capsicle

And thats where the conversation ended.

"Are Captain America and my dad dating?!" I say to myself

"What?" Dad says coming back to the table

"Oh um I said dad can you get me some ketchup" I say with a convincing smile

"Sure thing sweets" he turns around and I put his phone on the table casually.

"Here ya go" he smiles and sits in the booth

"So dad how's the avengers?" I ask as casually as I can

"Good as far as I know" he says with a mouth full of burger

"Where are they all?" I ask

"Let me check" dad says grabbing his phone
When he opens it his eyes flicker with happiness as he hurries to type back

"What important message or something?" I say trying to lean over the table to see

"No just.. business things" dad smirks

"Alrighty then" I sigh wanting to know more about him and Steve

It's later in the day now and dad hasn't been off his phone in forever!
Finally he puts it down for a second to go to the bathroom! I quickly snatch it up and look at the messages.

"See you tonight then cap" I read to myself confused as helllllll
I hear dad coming back so I put the phone back.

"Hey kid ready" he smirks

"Ready for?" I ask

"We are going to Malibu!" He smiles

"Really!?" I yell

"Yep. There's gonna be people fixing up the tower while we're gone so let's go" he motions me to follow him

We go to the airport with some of our bags and take a jet to Malibu. By the time we get there it's around 6.
"Home sweet home!" Dad yells as we run to the doors

"Jarvis open up!" I laugh and the door opens revealing Pepper!

"Pepper we're home!"I laugh hugging her

We take time to settle in. I go to change in my pajamas upstairs when I hear dad and pepper talking
"Tony I missed you guys I was so scared watching you on tv go up with that missile" she cries to dad

"It's okay pep I'm alright now" he says back

"I love you tony and I know-" I hear Pepper say and I look downstairs to see dads face falter

"Pepper we talked about this.." he says drinking

"Tell me you don't think about that night." She sighs

"The night I was drunk and kissed you? Pep Come on" dad chuckles

"It was more than that you know it" Pepper urges

"No it wasn't Pep. I like.." he sighs

"You say you like guys? You don't know that though!! Be real here tony. What did all those girls mean?" She almost yells

"They were pointless. Just to take my mind off reality" he says trying not to get mad

"I've got somewhere to go. Watch y/n please. Or call Rhodey but I have plans" he says getting his jacket out of the closet

"Plans!?" She yells

"What's going on" I say coming downstairs again

"Hey hun. I'm going out for a bit I'll be back. Love you" he smiles and kisses my head

"Dad wait" I say going after him before he reaches the door

"Yes darling" he turns around

"Tell Steve I said hello" I wink and he stares blankly at me

"Have fun dad" I walk away and I hear the door shut

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