Pt 81

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I wake up uncomfortable from not sleeping on a normal bed.

I look around to see happy and Rhodey asleep. Nebula is still watching tv. Doctor Strange is here now.
Steve is awake, he looks very tired. And the boys are still knocked out.

I sit up slowly and stretch.

"Morning sweets" I hear Steve say quietly. His voice is tired and course

"Hey Steve" I yawn rubbing my eyes

"Want some breakfast, I'll take you downstairs" he yawns after I do

"I was actually just going down myself, you can stay andrest Cap" doc Strange gets up

"Okay" Steve nods to strange then looks at me for approval

"He's right you need the rest pops. I'll go with Strange" I smile as Steve leans back in his chair

"Ready?" Strange asks
I nod and walk out of the door with him

To my surprise he's wearing an average everyday outfit.

"Thanks.. for coming with me. Steve really does need the rest" I say as we go downstairs

"It's the least I could do." He says nodding

We get to the breakfast bar

"So doctor st-

"Oh please, y/n call me Stephen I think we're past pronouns by now" he chuckles a little trying to be light and bubbly.. but I can tell something is up.

"Alright Stephen what should we get?" I smile softly looking at all the food

After picking our selections we sit together to eat.

I study Stephens movements, I've never seen his hands shake this much, he seems overly nervous about something.

"Have we um heard anything on my dad?" I ask as we start eating
His body language calms a little when he hears me

"Sadly no, I know how excited you are to see him. They will notify us when you can" he nods shaking a little less now

"That's great! I just want to be able to see him again... hear his stupid comments, hug him again, and just tell him how much I love him!" I break out into a smile thinking of my dad.

"I'm sure he is wanting to see you just as much" Stephen smiles softly

This smiley nice Stephen is total opposite from what I've seen before.

I go to respond to him but my phone buzzes.

Steve: he's awake come back now!!

"Oh my god Stephen let's go!" I screech grabbing his hand and dragging him up the stairs with me

Upon reaching the room where Steve is I can see the boys just waking up.

"Steve I'm going to see dad!!" I yell as I drag Stephen with me

I get to his room and bust through the door. I feel Stephen let go of my hand but it doesn't distract me.
All I can see is my dad and I could feel my heart in my brain

"Dad!" I exclaim never feeling so much joy

He's sitting up in bed. Bandages cover his torso and head. The scars on the right side of his face are prominent but he is alive and awake.

"Y/n" he says in a light voice since his voice isn't fully back yet. His face has a smile on it which just lights my mood up more

I go to his left side and hug him. His arms wrap around me and I lose it. All the emotions running through me I start to cry.

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