Pt 135

221 11 18

"I should call clint!" I gasp

"Who?" America asks

"Barton- Hawkeye" I correct myself

"Why would we need him?" She asks

"Wanda has powers we aren't aware of... clint could help calm her down" I suggest

"Maybe we should call him" America nods worriedly

If Wanda has become a demon after Americas powers we have to stop her. No matter what... but that's my sister- I'm scared honestly

I hear explosions outside... not good.

Suddenly pietro is at my side

"Guard up. The sanctum is falling." He shakes his head looking at the door protecting us in fear

We can hear screams coming from outside

"What's going on?!" I ask him

"That is not my sister. That- that thing has her." He looks at me with wavering eyes

"It's going to be o-

Before I could finish Wong runs in the door and closes it

"We need to get her out of here" Wong points to America

"What's happening?!" I ask hearing more distorted screams

"Kamar taj has fallen."

Suddenly strange busts through the door

"I have her in the mirror dimension-

Suddenly the doors slam shut around us.
Then 2 other wizards get pulled down into the puddles near us.

"Reflections! She's using the reflections- cover them!" Strange yells

We quickly cover all reflections, America screams seeing a eye in a puddle

Just when we thought we had them all an arm reaches through the gong

We all gather around America and watch as a contorted body comes out of the reflection. Cracking bones snap in place to form Wanda's body once more

The Scarlett witch sighs as she looks at us

"You gave all those lives just to keep me from my children"

"You took those lives. You cannot be allowed into the multiverse" strange says

"I'm not a monster Steven I'm a mother and a loving wife. You've pitted my own family against me... my husband, my boys are waiting for me. Please let me through."

"Wanda you have no children they don't exist" strange shakes his head

"Strange stop!" I beg knowing this will only make her more angry

"But they do. In every other universe. I dream of them every night. Every night the same dream. And every morning the same nightmare." She looks at me knowing I know what she means

"Wanda I know they're real" I nod

"Wanda maybe this isn't the answer, please let us help you" pietro says

"My husband and your nephews are waiting for us pietro! God what don't you get about this!" She groans

"What if you reach your family. What happens to the other you??" Strange asks her

We try to reason with wanda but there is no reasoning. Soon enough a fight breaks out.
Strange throws ancient creatures flying to Wanda's face but she easily deflects them.
Wong and strange protect us as pietro and I try to come up with a plan to get America out of there wanda knocks out wong and hits strange down

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