Pt 107

753 26 15

I decided to make this a stony POV chapter <3

A day in the life of our dads :)

Tony POV ✨

I get woken up by jarvis like usual.
Ever since he got shutdown he hasn't been the same. But his basic functions are up and running

"Good morning mister Stark. The time is now 8:35. I can put the coffee on brew if you'd like"

"Thanks jarv" I roll over out of my husbands arms
I see him still sleeping soundly, his hair messy draping over his forehead lightly

"How did I ever get so lucky" I sigh to myself quietly as he stirs

"Hmm?" Steve hums moving his arm onto my side

"Morning sleepy head" I smile as his blue eyes flutter

"Hey tony" he mumbles softly in his gravely morning voice

"I love you"

"First out of a million times I'll be hearing that today" Steve chuckles stretching his arms

"But you love to hear it" I smirk

"Yes, I love you too" Steve smiles pulling me into him

"You know, I think we are the cutest couple ever" I declare confidently

"You think?" Steve questions chuckling at me

"Um yes! Don't you agree Rogers?" I ask with a smirk

"Of course I agree!" He ruffles my hair

We sit together for a moment in comfortable silence

"I'm worried about the kids going off" I say

"They were just in the Caribbean alone" Steve reasons

"But that wasn't peter.. and I worry.." I say as my anxiety creeps into me

"Well what do you want to do to get your mind off it?" Steve asks

"Hmm. I want to box" I respond with a smirk as I hop off the bed and go to our shared closet to find my boxing gear

"Boxing? Tony when's the last time you went boxing?" Steve asks sitting up in bed watching me go through the closet

"Uhh.. a few years ago. Why? Scared I'll knock you out old man?" I smile mischievously

"Oh you're on!" Steve smiles getting out of bed

"I had jarv put on some coffee" I tell him as I go to the bathroom to get ready

"We can grab it before we go" Steve responds

We end up coincidentally wearing each other's sweatpants which was hilariously cute.

In the kitchen now, we drink some coffee

"Hey jarvis any kids awake yet?" I ask

"No sir" jarv responds

"How long are they going to sleep in?" Steve asks checking the clock

"Teenagers" I shrug

Then we go down to the gym where I have a boxing ring

"You're staring" I comment with a smile as Steve watches me tape up my hands

"What? I can't stare at my husband?" Steve fires back with a playful smile

"Doesn't matter I like the attention anyways" I say with a sly grin which earns me a scoff from the captain

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