Pt 31

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*** doesn't hurt to comment and vote :) i wanna hear from you guys! Lots of love

We land at a weapon dealer base owned by Ulysses Klau.

"You stay. Watch the cameras. I'll call you for back up" dad points at me with every word making sure I hear him

"Yeah dad I Get it" I roll my eyes falling back in my chair making a plan to sneak out

"You got this kid!" Dad smiles closing his suit helmet

"Love you" he says quietly

"I love you also" pops joins our conversation strapping his shield to his back. I smile at the both of them

"Oh yeah banner is staying with you. We don't think it's a good idea for him to go out with the enhanced out there" dad begins to leave the ship

"I think it's bull. But whatever" Bruce sits at the front of the ship as I turn on all the computers

"Friday please without telling dad get my suit ready" I say quietly

"Y/n Are you sure? Boss told me not to"

"Friday just do it" I sigh watching the avengers sneak into this place so swiftly

"So how's quantum physics going. Your dad told me you got put into that and some other college classes" bruce asks from the front trying to make conversation

"Well it's complicated. But easy I guess" I respond turning off the mic system on my devices so Bruce can't try to contact my suit

"That's awesome I remember when I did quantum physics. That was like seventh grade I think" Bruce rambles on so I take this moment to put my suit on

"Wow that's cool. When did you actually go to college?" I ask and as he rambles more I slip out of the ship quickly flying to the base

"Okay Friday. How do I get in quietly?" I look around at the security

I find my way in, as I take in my surroundings I notice dad with steve and Thor on the main floor. Around us there are stairs and I can see Clint and Nat on the upper levels.

"Ahh, Junior. You're gonna break your old man's heart." I hear dad say and as I look up I see a large metal robot with glowing red eyes. Yep looks like an ultron to me. I shake the fear away and silently get closer

"If i have to." Ultron states dilating his glowing eyes

"We don't have to break anything" Thor warns ultron while defensively holding his hammer

"Clearly you've never made an omelet" Ultron and I say it at the exact same time. Steve's Head spins around to see me and his face goes from furious to worried. Dad doesn't look back at me but he does flinch at the sound of my voice.

"Beat me by one second" dad says keeping up his cocky attitude

" ah this is funny mr Stark. This must be what comfortable for you??" The kid around my age, one of the twins steps out of the darkness with his sister. He gestures around knowing dad used to manufacture weapons

"This was never my life" dad shakes his head sadly

I come fully out of the shadows and ultrons eyes flash to me.

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