Pt. 54

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Soon enough I was on a private jet with dad soaring through the clouds on our way to France.

"I asked Rhodey if he wanted to come but he said he had to get used to the legs first" dad says munching on some dried blueberries

"Awh that's too bad." I frown

"Did I tell you vision left?" Dad asks looking at me

"Oh no? You didn't" I shake my head putting down my phone

"He said he was going to find Wanda. Which I can't blame him." Dad shrugs

"Is Rhodey alone??" I ask

"No, no I sent Happy to see him" dad says calmly

"Good... oh! I should tell Peter we left!" I say picking my phone back up

"I already talked to him" dad says throwing a blueberry at me

"When! You've barely talked to anyone?" I ask as I eat the blueberry

"He calls me all the time to tell me about little missions he goes on" dad smiles softly

"Oh.. well that's good at least he got to talk to you" I frown a little

"I'm sorry about the past weeks. I think we really need this vacation" dad reaches over to pat my shoulder

"Thanks dad" I say softly

We finally land in sunny France!!
Dad and I get off the jet. I see a nice car waiting for us with a woman standing by it

"Hello Mr. Stark" she smiles sweetly at him

"Hello there Molly" he winks looking at her name tag
I nudge him in the arm

"Here are the keys have a nice trip" she smiles again

"Thank you. Molly" dad nods taking the keys and unlocking the car.

She gets on the jet and the jet goes into the nearby hanger.

"Ooh nice car" I smile opening the back door to put the bags in the back seat

"Oh my god what did I pack. Bricks!?" I gasp trying to lift my own suitcase. I end up falling into the back seat with it

"why don't you just stay back there" dad laughs closing the door on me

"Okay fine" I huff getting comfortable in the back seat as dad starts the car

"Ready to go see France!?" Dad says in a chipper tone as he opens the glove box

"Yes I am!" I say putting in my earbuds

"It's gonna be a wonderf-
I wait a second for dad to finish his sentence but he doesn't.

"Wonderful What? Trip? Time? Vacation?" I laugh but he doesn't answer

"Dad??" I take out my earbud wondering why he stopped talking but when I look in the front seat there's someone standing in front of the car

It's a man dressed in all black down to the shoes. He has a black bag over his shoulder. His hair is longer and slicked to the back, and he has major stubble which will soon be a beard.

"Steve??" I gasp looking at his sad eyes staring into the car

I look over at dad to see him visibly shaking.

"I-is that Steve Rogers in front of my fucking car." Dad says surprisingly calmly but his chest is rising and falling so fast I know he isn't okay


"I'm- I can't-
He stops talking, he's now lost his breath entirely
His face looks like he's thinking about running Steve over, I can't blame him.

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