Pt 59

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It has been a month now. Over the last month many more pranks on me occurred but I got over them. We have just had fun really, it has been a blast.

We finally told the boys about Steve leaving soon, Peter almost cried but Harley took the news okay.

So for the last 2 weeks with Steve we have been doing any and every thing Steve wants to do as a family.

"So Pops any family plans tonight?" I ask as dad and steve relax on the couch

"Uh, I didn't really have anything planned for the time being" Steve shrugs. I can tell he is happy just spending time with dad

"I have an idea!!" Peter comes in crawling on the ceiling

"Pete, what did I say about not getting footprints on the ceiling?" Dad points up at him and Peter immediately falls to the ground

"What is your idea Pete?" I ask him

"Hey guys!" Harley zooms in wearing his shoes that allow him to hover around which he likes to call the "Harley heels"

"What did we say about wearing those in the house?" Steve groans gesturing to the shoes and Harley immediately turns them off

"You guys should meet my girlfriend!" Peter smiles

"Pete we have known Abbey for like, ever" Dad laughs a little 

"Yeah there is really no point to that" I shake my head

"But guysssss! I won't ever get to have that life moment of introducing my girlfriend to my parents" Peter pouts like a puppy

"But kid-

"Please Mr Stark.. Steve is leaving soon" Peter begs threatening to cry at any second

"Fine" Dad gives in easily

"Sweet! I'll invite her for dinner

"So what are we supposed to act like we don't know her?" Steve chuckles

"Precisely" Peter grins

"And she is gonna act like she has never been here?" Dad asks

"That is the plan" Peter nods

"Wonderful" Dad smiles contently

and just by that smile I knew dad was going to take this so seriously. He always has a flair for the dramatics

"So Abbey is coming over?" harley asks

"Yep. Oh man that means I have to act like I don't know her either" I frown

Until dinner dad decides we need to do chores and make the place look better.

"Friday play one dance by Drake!" Harley smiles

"Drake put out a new song?" I ask picking up trash in the kitchen

"Oh yeah. It's so good" Harley nods grabbing the broom

The beat of the song starts playing loudly through the house

"What are you playing??" Steve asks with a weird look on his face

"One of the best songs of 2016" Harley smirks

"Yeah, okay" I roll my eyes laughing

"Come on Steve get into it" Harley encourages Steve as Harley starts dancing to the beat

"Nah, I can't dance to songs like this" Steve laughs a little

"Oh come on old man. Hey y/n what was that new dance you were trying to teach me? Juju on that beat or something?" Dad comes in and tries to do the juju on that beat dance

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