Pt 17

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I look out the window to see a man in a suit waiting for an answer.
I open the door a small bit and have Jarvis answer him on my watch

"Hello?" Jarvis says

"Yes hello is there a y/n stark there" the man says confidently

"No I'm sorry sir miss stark is unavailable" he says

"Bull shit" the man chuckles and takes a hold of the door handle trying to open it
I tell Jarvis put the door on lock and he keeps the man out so I can run.

I go to Rhodeys basement and try to find a place to go. I start breathing fast and the room starts to spin.
"Get it together y/n" I say grabbing a tool as a weapon
I hide in a corner and hear the door open.

"Come on out. You can't hide forever" the man smirks looking around
Suddenly his eyes lock on mine and he stalks over. I use the tool to attack before he can touch me. I make a good cut but then he turns orange and his eyes glow.

"What are you" I say panicking watching his cut fade away
He grunts and grabs me by the arm.
I get dragged to a car and a bag is put over my head.

"My dad will get you." I try to mutter

Next thing I know I'm on a plane. I fall back asleep. When the bag is off my head this time maya is there with another man.

"Morning sweetie!" He says cheerfully
I don't answer. I simply look around at my surroundings

"I'm Aldrich killian. Don't worry I already know your name" he laughs

"Killian" maya interrupts him

"What!" He yells glowing red scaring me

"She is not apart of this." Maya says

"Shes starks kid for Christ sake!" Killian yells more

"Shut up!" I yell at him and he turns back at me returning to his normal form

"Where's pepper" I say knowing he took her too

"Oh haha! Trust me Pepper has never been better. Oh! And you know who else we have?" He says smiling

"Your dear uncle Rhodey!" He laughs

"Don't worry. My dad will be here." I sigh closing my eyes

"Haha. No he won't sweetie" he picks up the chair I'm strapped to and puts me in a room

"Y/n?" I hear a weak voice in the dark

"Pepper?" I say as my eyes adjust to the dim lights

"Oh thank god you're ok" she says happily
I notice she's strapped to a machine

"Pepper are you okay" I say worried

"Uh yeah it only hurts when the put new doses in" she sighs

"Doses of what?" I ask. But before she can answer people in white coats come in
I put my head down and stay quiet

"Extremis is on step 2" one of them says

"she's developing it very well" another one nods
They replace a cartridge and pepper groans in pain turning orange just as Aldrich did.

They leave and I look up at her moving in agony.

"Pep it's okay. I promise we will get out of here" I try to squirm out of my chair wanting to help her
A man in a white coat comes back in and checks on her. While he's there his walkie-Talkie goes off.

"Tony Stark has been seen on the premises"
"I repeat all backup-

The mic cuts out and I smile.

"You guys are in for it now" I chuckle

"Move pepper and the girl. We have to go" the walkie says

"What!?" I say

"Sir Potts is only in stage 2" the man says into the walkie

"Now!" He shouts

"Dad!" I yell as they move me

"Shut up kid he's not coming" a man grumbles
We get loaded up and In the dark again.

We get out at some kind of warehouse. Aldrich leaves and I finally saw my way out of my ropes with the bracelet I had on.
"Jarvis where are we?" I ask

"Somewhere in Miami Florida?" He says unsure.

I go to pepper and try to get her out but she's really stuck.

"Y/n it's okay. Go find a way out." She sighs from exhaustion

"I'm so sorry" I say tearing up seeing her in pain

I find a small window and jump out. I look around the darkness. Suddenly a bunch of lights come on.
I see many people with guns waiting. They must be security.
I take one step and gunshots start firing. But not at me?
One by one I see security men start running and getting shot down.
I look in the air and see rhodeys suit suspended in the air, the president is in it?!

I run hiding behind things to avoid the enemies When I look up next I see all of dads suits flying In.

"Jarvis call my suit to Me" I say and my suit flies down.
It opens and I get in flying into the air.
Then I see Rhodey and dad!
Dads fighting off Aldrich. So I pick up Rhodey and fly him away

"Thanks Jarvis" he says and I open my face mask

"No problem Rhodey" I smile and his eyes go wide

I get him to take his suit and get the president.

"Y/n I have to get mr president out of here. I suggest you get out too" he says concerned

"No not while Pepper is here stuck" I shake my head and fly off
I go back in the ware house and get pepper out I leave her outside somewhere safe. Then I go back.
I blast some people with guns and head over to where dad is.
Aldrich gets a good hit on him so I send a blaster right at him. It was a dumb move since he jumped up and flung my suit down which hurt so bad.
I land on a beam and take a second before I get up.
I hear a loud noise and the next thing I know there's a large explosion. I see Aldrich fall but before I can get up my beam falls and I get suspended over the fire. My suit is caught in between the bars.

"Help! Please!" I yell trying to get out

"Kid?" I hear dad yell

"Over here help. Dad!" I yell

"Oh my god kid" he starts breathing fast. He's on the platform above me

"Dad I can't get out" I start to cry

"It's o-okay y/n I'm right here." He says getting down to try to reach me
The beam starts to slip more and I scream

"Listen! Y/n I know you can't really move but I need you to try and grab my hand Okay" he says quickly

"But what if I fall" I look down crying

"Y/n I won't let that happen okay so come on" he says reaching. So I try to grab his hand
My fingers almost reach his before the beam snaps and my suit falls with me in it

"NO!" I hear dad yelling as I fall

I must've hit hard because I was out cold.
When I did wake up all I could see was fire. Then dad came down in his suit. He was fighting Aldrich again. Aldrich was totally on fire glowing orange.
I finally gain all conciseness i get up going to help dad. I stumble my way over and I still hurt a lot. Jarvis alerts me I have 3 different injuries. One on my head which is dangerously bleeding.
I blast Aldrich and while he's distracted dad puts his suit on him and then blows it up. And then I pass out again.

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