Pt. 106

737 29 14

After what seemed like forever hanging in the Caribbean we finally went home  :)

Getting a break was amazing but it was time to go home

I slept on Pietro's shoulder the whole flight home

At the compound now ✨

"Helloooo we're home!" I exclaim as Pietro and I walk around looking for my parents

"Oh don't tell me you're back already?" Steve smiles looking up from the paper he was reading

"Pops" I smile happy to see one of my parents

"Happy to be back?" Steve questions as he stands to give us hugs

"We had a great time" Pietro says starting a conversation

"Honey?!" I hear dad shout from somewhere

"Tony?" Steve yells back with a confused look

"Where's your blue hoodie??" Dad asks still not in the room

"I believe it's in the wash" Steve says trying not to laugh as Pietro and I listen to this conversation

"What am I supposed to wear?" Dad says sounding very disappointed

"Your own clothes" Steve smiles


"Hi dad!" I smile interrupting dad

"Y/n! Pietro! Welcome home" he says acting as if nothing just happened

"I missed you dummy" I laugh giving dad a big hug

"I have a mission for you kid" dad says quietly to me

"A mission?" I ask him

"We'll be right back" dad smiles to Steve and Pietro before taking me to the lab

"This is super top secret and important" dad says seriously

"What is it??" I ask getting anxious

"God I don't even know if I want to send you!" Dad says dramatically

"Dad What is it?" I ask getting skeptical

"You have to go to... Europe" dad says

"Okay, what am I doing in Europe?" I ask thinking it's a super important mission

"Keeping an eye on peter" he grins widely

"Dad?? You're seriously making me babysit my almost adult brother?" I whine

"Seriously? Almost adult?" Dad says

Suddenly he pulls up a clip of peter making shadow puppets on the wall... this morning.

"I don't see the point here" I cross my arms

"It's his first time out of the country on his own and people know he's my kid... I'm worried. I'd be the same way if it was you" dad says

"Okay. But dad..." I say

"Listen y/n you just can't let him know I sent you to babysit him. He just proved himself to be a good hero. So let him go on his own for the most part." Dad explains

"Alright.." I still say a little unsure

"You get to bring Pietro, and abbey and Justin with you." dad says

"Really!?" I perk up

"I knew you wouldn't want to go without them" he nods

"You're the best!!!" I shout

"I know" he smirks

"Wait... is Harley going?" I ask

"He will be in Europe.. just not with you guys" dad explains

"YES!" I celebrate

"Oh shut up, you love your brother." Dad rolls his eyes

"Yeah yeah" I laugh

"What? is she happy I'm not going to Europe with them" Harley snarks coming into the lab

"Where did you come from?" I ask watching him walk around

"I dropped off Mel. You're lucky dad doesn't have me babysitting you too" he laughs and dad smirks at his joke

"Not funny, I Don't need a babysitter!" I scoff

"Sureeeee sis, whatever you say" Harley laughs

"Seriously! Remember? Ima genius, super soldier, iron girl, wizard" I smile

"Eh, not a wizard yet" Harley says with a smart attitude

"shut up" I use my hands to create a ball of energy and throw it at the back of Harley's head

"Hey!" He whines as I laugh

"No magic stuff in the lab" dad scolds

"Tell your son not to be rude to me" I roll my eyes

"Come on kid, brotherly love" dad ruffles my hair and slings his arm around me

"Whatever dad" I smile softly

"Go tell Pietro" dad tells me

I run to find my boyfriend who is talking to Steve about something

"Hey guys" I smile

"Hey kiddo, I assume he told you the news?" Steve asks

"Yep, Pietro we are taking a trip to Europe!" I announce

"More travel?" Pietro smiles

"By the time we're married we will have traveled the entire planet and space" I laugh

Suddenly the intercom goes off

*-STEVE THE DORITO- please come to the lab-*
Dads voice rings out

"That would be my husband" Steve can't help but smile before walking to the lab

"So Europe?" Pietro asks

"Yeah, come on I'll give you the details" I grab his hand

As we walk to our room I fill him in

"So we are attending your brothers school trip as body guards?" He asks

"Essentially yes. But I doubt anything will happen. Pete is a good kid" I shrug

"So we can do whatever we want?" Pietro smiles

"Yessir" I nod

"Then Europe here we come" he laughs

Europe here we come...


Hey guys!

I know it's been a while and this chapter is pretty short

I've been dealing with a lot of family problems lately and it's stressed me out so much.

But I promise I am still working on this story. I know this chapter isn't much but I promise the next one will be a lot more.

Thanks for sticking along with me and giving me constant support.

I hope you like this lil chapter <3

My super family Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ