Pt. 44

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"Justin! Justin stay awake come on" I feel the tears fall off my face as I put pressure on the wound, Justin's sobs get quieter as his breathing gets heavy and slow

"He jumped in front of me so I wouldn't get hit. I think my ankle is broken.. I-I..." abbey passes out from the shock

"Friday! I need my suit now!" I call

Georgia is out cold from Pietro tackling her, Pietro stands over me his eyes glazed with the same fear mine have

"Justin! Hey eyes open!" I watch him blink slower and slower

"Pietro can you get him to the hospital. Safely but you need to keep pressure on the wound" I say through sobbing tears

"I called an ambulance!" A woman yells as the zoo security shows up

"I promise he will be okay" Pietro quickly kisses my head. He picks up Justin and then he's gone

My suit comes in just in time as Georgia starts to wake up, she's slowly reaching for the gun.

"I wouldn't do that" I say and she looks up to see me fully suited up as I blast the gun away

Security grabs her and takes her into custody.

I hear the sirens of the ambulance growing closer. Then there are sobs coming from behind me.

"Hey abbey! Don't worry I promise it's gonna be okay" I walk slowly over to help her, I slide my face mask up so she knows it is me

"Where's Justin?! Oh god don't tell me hes-"

"No, no Pietro took him to the hospital" I sigh feeling the tears coming again

"I think I'm gonna sleep again. My head hurts" she slurs and falls back again but luckily I catch her before she hits her head

I sit and sob holding her as the ambulance pulls in. I hope Justin is okay. It's all my fault

"Can I get your friend there some help?" I look up to see the paramedic woman, she smiles sadly at me

"Please" is all I can say as they begin to move Abbey onto a stretcher

"Y/n Stark. Can we speak with you?"

I turn to see the cops waiting to talk to me. I don't say anything, my head is spinning, my vision is blurry, I feel like I can't breath. Panic attack. God I haven't had one of these in forever. Come on y/n get a grip, what would dad say? I close my eyes and I try to calm myself down thinking of dad and pops, my family, good memories but my mind won't focus. Suddenly my brain makes me think of my nightmare I had under the witches magic. My head goes light when I envision dad in a coffin, dead.

"Friday get me out of here" I say out of breath

before I know it I am flying above the buildings. I finally get my thoughts straight

"Friday get me to the hospital where my friends are" I sigh.

I will probably be receiving a worried phone call from dad and pops any moment.

I land at the emergency room and immediately go to the front desk

"Please ma'am I need to know where Justin Hammer is" I say worriedly

"I'm sorry visiting hours have ended" she says nervously looking at my suit

"I just need to know his condition, please I know you know who I am. Just- please" I sigh

she types quickly

"he is in surgery right now, GSW to the abdomen." she says

"oh god.. I-I had another friend come in she has a broken ankle" I put my head in my hands feeling my heart racing

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