Pt. 130

398 19 14

I wake up in the morning next to pietro

A tear runs down my face. Pietro must've noticed. He lightly wipes it

"What's wrong?" He whispers

"I can't stop thinking of him. Our son" I whisper looking at the ceiling

"I know" he sighs.

"I tried to get away and act like it never happened. But it hurts. I can't just forget him" I frown

"Neither can I" pietro leans into me putting his hand in mine

"What are we supposed to do?" I shed another tear

"I don't know. I mean like you said we can't just forget about him.."

Then I get an idea. An idea that could help our family.

"Hold on...."

"Strange!" I run down to tell Harley who is making breakfast

"Hey I'm on the phone with Peter" Harley turns to see me

"Peter!? Hey you" I smile

*-Y/n! Can you open my college acceptance letters! I think it's from MIT. I need to know-* he asks excitedly

"Pete don't you wanna open it?" I ask

*-I would but you know I can't be there. So this is the next best thing!-*

"Ok sure thing" I nod and grab the Mail.

I smile knowing that Peter is definitely getting into MIT

"Okayyy ready??" I smile opening the envelope

"Come on we don't even have to open it" Harley smirks

I open it and grab the paper out

"Dear Mr. Peter Parker....
I slow down as I read

*-Come on keep going!-* Peter exclaims

"Yeah... keep reading" Harley looks concerned

"We regret to inform you that due to recent events we cannot accept you into our school. We are truly sorry..." I frown

*-Oh...-* I can hear peters heart break over the phone.

I look at Harley not knowing what to say

"Hey pete listen it's gonna be okay" Harley tries

*-Yeah- yeah it's okay.. I'll Uh- talk to you guys later. MJ and ned are here gotta go.-*

The call ends

"Oh my god this is all my fault" I sigh

"No it isn't"Harley sighs

"Peter isn't getting into college because of what I did!" I lash out

"Hey! Calm down. It'll be okay" Harley sighs

"How- how Harley!?" I question

"You always come up with something. You're a genius" Harley says encouragingly

"Right..." I say

"Right! Oh my god!" I remember my plan

"What?" Harley asks still making breakfast

"It's strange!" I look at him

"Me making breakfast? Well that's rude now you don't get any-

"What? No- Harley! Dr strange" I shake my head

"Oh. What about him?" Harley asks going back to cooking

"What if everyone could forget about what happened in Westview" I propose

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