Pt. 98

830 21 14

I wake up hearing the sounds of a flugelhorn being played throughout the sanctum

I get up wearing shorts and a sweatshirt. I don't even bother doing my hair I just walk out

"Oh look who's up!" Steph smiles knowing I am not happy

"It's early" I groan

"You're a supersoldier now I Thought early was your thing?" He raises an eyebrow

"Maybe 5:30 or 6. Not 4 am" I sigh checking my phone

"Get used to it, we are going to Kamar-taj" he announces

"Is that why you're already all dressed up? Where's Wong he must be sick of your music?" I roll my eyes

"Wong already left- it can't be that bad! This is a classic you know!" He yells as I walk away

"Yeah yeah, a classic!" I repeat trying to shake away the tired feeling

I go into my room to get ready when I realize I don't even own cool robes

"Hey Strange! I don't have any cool robes" I sigh opening my door

"You'll get cool robes in Kamar-Taj. For now just wear some light clothes" Steph responds

I put on some light workout clothes

"So whatcha got, Starbucks? Dunkin? Tim Hortons?" I ask sarcastically but I really want coffee

"I have something better!" Strange says

"What?" I gasp

"Nothing." He deadpans

"That's cold" I shake my head

"I need you stable not hyped up on caffeine." Strange says seriously

"Okay, I get it but when I fall asleep during training that's on you" I nudge his arm playfully

"Trust me. You won't" he says

Then he uses his hands to open a portal. I can only assume it goes to Kamar-Taj

I step through

We end up in a stone yard the sky is purple.

I see Wong and other older looking wizards pacing chatting
As a group of wizards in training sit on the stone meditating
Even though the sun is just rising everyone is awake and some are even training already.

Everything seems to stop as strange and I arrive

"See you're famous" I say to Strange quietly

"So are you" Strange says back

Then I notice them staring at me as well

"Welcome y/n" Wong says

"Happy to be here Wong" I answer excitedly

"Y/n, this way"

Strange leads me into a building next to the training yard.
The interior design is so cool on the inside!

"This place is awesome" I say looking at a tea kettle pouring itself

"This is where I was taught, by her" Strange points to a portrait of a bald woman who visibly looks powerful.

"She looks badass" i smile

"You will be too" strange comments

"Who says I'm not already?" I smirk

"The ancient one would hate your ego like she hated Stephens" Wong says with a slight smile

"She would like you though y/n.." Stephen says with a smile like he's reminiscing about his old friend

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