Pt 13

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The rest of the week dad took me to school and Steve picked me up. My blood results should come back Friday and today is Wednesday, the day dad and pops come out as a couple.

So I go to school like any other day. Things were going pretty normal until the afternoon when my phone started blowing up about my dads. There were already articles and hate mail coming in by the second. I try to ignore it. When I get out of school parents stare at me and shake their heads as I walk to Steve's truck.

"Good afternoon princess!" He smiles cheerfully

"How can you be so peppy when half the world hates you right now" I frown

"Y/n these people just have to learn. I am who I am and what they say won't affect me" he shrugs and starts the car.
I think about his words and yeah Steve's right

We get to the tower and doctor banner is there!

"Uncle Bruce!" I smile running in and throwing my bag to the wall

"Hey there y/n" he smiles and hugs me

"Hi beautiful how was school" dad says taking a sip of scotch

"Just fantastic" I grin

"So surprise I brought the results" Bruce grins

"You did not" I gasp

" I did too" he winks holding up a large envelope

"Oh my gosh!!" I run around frantically cheering

"Okay come here now so we can look at it" dad rolls his eyes with a smile
I sit with them as we rip open the envelope.

"Okay mother is Alison Simmons. And your father is James Bright" Dad says

"Cool! Where are they now?" I ask and dads face concentrates as he reads more then his face drops

"Kiddo I'm sorry. They both died" dad frowns

"Oh.. uh it's okay! I have you guys" I smile even though I'm sad

We have dinner with Bruce before he leaves. I'm quiet for most of it. I'm still thinking of my parents.

I go upstairs quietly by myself and tony and Steve talk in the kitchen. I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling feeling empty. Why did my parents have to be dead? I zone out thinking, I'm only brought back to reality when dad knocks on the door frame.

"You alright?" He asks looking at me and I shrug

"Okay wanna Tell me what's up?" He sighs sitting on my bed

"It's nothing" I turn away from him
And we sit in silence.

"You know my parents died too" he says breaking the silence
I turn over in disbelief. I look at him and he's holding his forehead looking very sad

"Really?" I whisper

"Yeah. They uh got in a bad car crash" dad says lightly rubbing one eye

"I'm sorry" I sigh

"No it's okay kid. That was a long time ago and I've gotten past it" dad says trying to do his normal confident voice

"Why didn't you ever tell me" I ask

"Well I don't normally talk about it. But I knew there would come a day when you ask about your grandparents" dad sighs and I sit up next to him leaning my head on his shoulder

"Did you know you were gonna pick me in the orphanage that day?" I ask looking up at him but he just looks at the wall

"I dunno kid sometimes you just know when someone's going to make a real impact on your life" he simpers and plays with my hair

"Yeah. I've had that feeling" I smile thinking of when I met tony. And when I first met Steve.

"You and Steve are my family" dad sighs happily

"You and steve are my family!" I laugh looking up and him and we laugh together for a minute or two

"What's all the noise up here" Steve says walking in

"Nothing grandpa" tony says making us laugh more

"very funny" he rolls his eyes smiling

"Hey who wants dessert?" Dad smirks and we get up

"Me!" Steve and I yell at the same time

We race downstairs and get to the door slipping on shoes.

"Jarvis pull up the Mercedes" dad winks at me since he knows the cedes is my favorite car

We all get in and jam out to Black Sabbath which pops doesn't prefer.
After arriving in our favorite diner we sit and look at our menus. Dad takes half of his straw wrapper off and blows the other half off the straw at pops.

"Hey!" Pops laughs crumpling up the wrapper and throwing it back at dad
As we laugh I glance over to a man wearing all black with a hood on staring right at me.
Pops must've noticed because he brought himself closer to me and stared down the man intensely. The man leaves and I look up at pops.

"What was that about?" Dad asks looking around

"I don't know" pops says worried

"I wonder why he was looking at me?" I say genuinely worried

We eat our dessert and pay for it. On our way out I see the same man again but across the street. He sees us coming so he takes off in the other direction. The back of his jacket says A.I.M

"That was him" pops says pointing

"Aim?" Dad says as if he knows who that is

"What's aim mean" I ask getting in the car

"It's so familiar" dad thinks

We drive home and I shower. It's been a weird night. As I go back through the hallway to my room I hear dad and pops having a serious conversation.

"I might get called in. For a mission" pops says

"A mission? When?" Dad says a little panicky

"A couple months not sure yet" pops says

"With who?"

"Natasha" pops states

"It's nothing big i promise" pops sighs

I peer down the hall to see them standing on opposite sides of the room.

"Okay but. What am I supposed to do without you" dad paces back and forth thinking rapidly

"You're tony stark honey. You can do anything" pops goes over to dad to stop him and hold him

"Okay but-"

"Y/n needs you. So you'll be here for her" pops soothes him

"What if I need you" dad says walking away again from steve

"Call me. Whatever you need. I'll be here." Pops says whole heartedly but dad seems hurt

"What's the mission even for" dad says standing behind the couch now his hands placed on the top of it

"Haven't gotten the details yet" pops sighs.

"Oh-okay. I'm going downstairs. I'll be back up soon" dad nods as he talks and backs up to the elevator
Pops sighs to himself and sits down.
It's been a long day for all of us I guess. I hope dad cools down.
I go to my room and lay down so many thoughts are running through my head as I fall into a deep sleep.

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