Pt 69

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Hehe part 69
🤣🤣 I'm sorry.

"There he is now how do we get him" I sigh watching Strange getting tortured by the alien

"Well we could-
Suddenly dad backs up and his repulsor charges up

"Woah!" I gasp seeing the red cloak floating on its own

"Wow. You're a Seriously loyal piece of outerwear aren't you?" Dad asks putting his arm down

"Yeah... uh speaking of loyalty" peter drops from the ceiling

"What the-

"I know what you're gonna say."

"Peter!" I roll my eyes

"You should not be here" dad says angrily

"I was gonna go home!"

"I don't want to hear it!" Dad waves him away dismissively

"But it was such a long way down and I just thought about you, and y/n and I was stuck to the side of the ship!" peter whines

"And now I have to hear about it" dad sighs worriedly

"And this suit is ridiculously intuitive by the way" peter looks at me for help but I just cross my arms letting dad take care of this one

"Damn it" dad says under his breath

"So if anything... it's kinda your fault I'm here." Peter gestures to dad whom in return gives peter the dad look

"What did you just say?" Dad points at peter

"I-I take that back" pete stammers

"Oh peter" I sigh

"And Well now I'm in space" peter shrugs

"Yeah, right where I didn't want you to be" dad says aggravated


"This isn't Coney Island. This isn't some field trip. This is a one way ticket. You hear me? Don't pretend you thought this through." Dad says not giving peter a chance to respond

"No I did-

"Don't tell me you did- you could not have possibly thought this through!"

"You can't be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man if there's no neighborhood."
Peter responds but dad just stands in silence

"Okay. That didn't make sense but you know what I mean!" Peter says

"I get it" I nod and dad shoots me a look

"Come on. We gotta situation" dad says shakily

"See the wizard kids. He's in trouble, what's the plan? Go." Dad asks quickly

Peter gets down to analyze the situation

"Ummm- Ok, okay uhhh. Did you ever see this really old movie aliens?" Peter asks

Dad looks at him confused

"Yes! I have. Dad we watched it with Rhodey a while ago" I nudge dad a little

Peter goes on explaining his whole idea as dad stares back at him trying to figure it out.

"And boom. We got the wizard" peter smiles

"Great plan!" I encourage

"Alright" dad sighs

"Super family" I smile putting my hand in the middle

"Super family!" Peter smiles

".... alright fine. Super family" dad says quickly

Dad and I drop down to where the alien and Strange are.

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