Pt. 40

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For about an hour and a half we danced around in the park getting pictures done and having a great time.
Dad and steve couldn't have been happier
Thor picks me up and spins around the photographer snaps it all from Thor and I, to sam and Rhodey, tony and steve, happy and pepper, Nat and clint. And of course me and my dads
We all come together for a big group picture before going to the reception.

"Hey really congratulations guys. I can't believe you didn't tie the knot sooner" Clint smiles

"What knot?" Thor questions and everyone laughs

"Thor guess what!" I say as we walk back to the limo

"What?" He asks

"There's a pop tart bar at the reception" I laugh as his face lights up.

"You did that for me?" He smiles

"Even if you didn't show I would've eaten them" I laugh

We jam to music till we get back to the venue.
Then we wait outside the doors for the dj to announce us in

Pepper and happy go in first. Then Natasha and Clint. Then Sam and Rhodey.

"Now coming in is y/n the daughter of the newly weds and Thor god of thunder!"
Thor and I dance like dorks into the reception taking our seats at the main table.

I look out to see abbey and Justin. As well as nick fury, Maria Hill, Clint's family, Pietro, Wanda, vision, and many others

"Now. Introducing for the first time ever. The newlyweds Steve and Tony Stark-Rogers!"

We all stand and cheer as the two of them. Dad acts like he's in front of paparazzi as he struts and blows kisses smiling at everyone. Pops just looks happy watching his husband make a fool of himself.

Finally they make it to the table so we all sit.

"Hi! Thank you all so much for being here to celebrate, I don't know about you guys but I'm ready to party!!!" Dad smiles talking into the microphone making everyone laugh

"Okay I'm gonna take over for a second! Like he said thank you for coming. I won't talk too long let's get some food" steve takes the mic from dad

The tables get called up one by one to go to the buffet. As they go people come up to the table to congratulate my parents.

"I'll be back Thor" I say before getting up and walking over to Pietros table which is also where abbey and Justin are.

"Hey look at you. Dressed all fancy!" I say and his face lights up

"You look beautiful" he says as he embraces me

"I did her hair" abbey cuts in the moment making me laugh

"She did- but hey I have to talk to you later okay?" I smile up at him and he nods his head understandingly

"Y/n you really did look great. The ceremony was lovely" Wanda hugs me and compliments me

"Thank you Wanda" I smile

"Hey! Can we get a dumb bitch picture!" Abbey smiles with Justin

"Oh sure" I roll my eyes and ask Wanda to take a picture of the 3 of us

"Justin you got the ceremony on the camcorder right?" I ask

"Yep especially when you started crying" he sticks his tongue at me

"Oh shut up" I roll my eyes

"Hey, Picture with me?" Pietro asks

"Of course!" I smile and I put my arms around him

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