Pt. 62

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I wake up in the tight grasp of Thor's arms.

I turn over to see him sleeping soundly.

I decide to try and go back to sleep since I didn't want to leave his warm grasp.
But then of course with my luck my phone starts going off.

"Nonononono!" I whisper yell trying to find my phone

"Y/n?" Thor says groggily

"I'm sorry I was trying to find my phone" I sigh finally finding it

"Why was it ringing?" Thor asks pulling me back into him

"It was my dad" I huff checking my messages

"Oh ignore it, come on enjoy our time" Thor coos grabbing my phone

"Thor!" I laugh

"Shh shhh. " he chuckles holding my waist tightly

"Fine" I roll my eyes a little as I give in

"Good" Thor sighs happily snuggling into me

"We could stay like this forever" I say leaning my head into his chest

"Someday yes. But today I must go back to Asgard" Thor says

"Shh don't talk about leaving" I say in a pouty tone

"I'm sorry " Thor chuckles stroking my hair


I jerk my head up to see abbey holding a drink carrier full of Starbucks and a bag

"Dude why are you screaming??" I shake my head

"I didn't think he was still here!" She giggles like an idiot

"Hello" Thor smiles sweetly giving a wave

"But you brought 3 drinks?" I point

"Well I didn't wanna be rude if he was here" she smiles

"Remind me why you are here again?" I laugh

"Oh yeah! Tony is coming here" she says simply

"WHAT!?!" I sit up frantically

"He called me saying you didn't answer so he asked where we were and I kinda slipped and said the compound" she explains hesitantly

"What the hell" I sigh worriedly

"He said he had a meeting first though." She sips her frappe

"See y/n it is okay! We have time" Thor smiles putting his arms around me again and kissing my cheek

"Woahhhh PDA!" Abbey yells

"Shut up and hand me my drink please" I hold my forehead stifling a laugh

"Here, it's your favorite!" Abbey smiles

"And for me?" Thor asks looking at the clear cup full of sugar and coffee

"Oh I got you a vanilla bean frap because it's basic and I don't know what you like" abbey says handing Thor the cup

"Try it Babe" I smile as I sip at my drink

He takes a sip and instantly smiles

"This drink, I like it" he chuckles looking at the cup

"Yay!" I smile

"Wow I ordered a god Starbucks and he likes it" abbey gasps

"Go home" I roll my eyes

"woahhh brain frost" Thor winces

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