Pt 77

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Now that we can time travel we need to figure out how to get the stones.

As we try to gather in one big conference room I notice dad still working on something

"Hey dad-

"I got it!!" Dad yells and everyone comes back out

"Got what?" Steve asks

"Time turner GPS... it took so much energy from the material I can only make one.." dad says staring at his new creation

"What exactly does that thing do?" Bruce asks

"Stops time allowing the person wearing it to jump from time line to time line... you can't change what happens while time is frozen but you can jump times... and I intend on using it to benefit our mission" dad smiles to himself holding it up

"Wow impressive" Nat nods looking at it

"I made it so-

He tries to put it on but it doesn't fit over his wrist. He tries again but once again it doesn't go.

"Apparently I made it too small" dad huffs frustrated

"I have small wrists.." I say quietly and everyone looks at me

"Come here kid" dad beckons me closer

I hold out my wrist and it slides on perfectly

"Awesome!" I smile

Dad stares at it worriedly

"Wait but we have a limited amount of Pym particles!" Scott says worried

"It can run on one tube. It can take a few round trips... but y/n you need to understand how it works before we go. Ill explain more later" dad nods and I nod back

"Okay lets go talk about some stones!" Bruce smiles

We all gather once again

"Okay so the how works. Now wee need to figure out the where and the when. Almost all of us has had an encounter with one of the six stones" Steve says leading the meeting

"Well I'd substitute the word encounter for damn well near been killed by one of the six" dad says

"I haven't! I don't even know what you're all talking about" Scott shrugs

"Regardless we only have enough Pym particles for one round trip each and these stones have been in a lot of different places in history" Bruce explains

"Our history. Not a lot of convenient places to just drop in" dad says

"So we have to pick our targets" Clint reasons

"Correct" dad nods sipping his coffee

"Let's start with the Aether. Thor what do you know?" Steve asks

We all look at Thor to see him slumped over in a chair with sunglasses on

"Is he asleep?" Nat asks

"No I'm pretty sure he's dead.." Rhodey says

"Thor" I poke his arm and he jolts to life

"Where to start? Ummm... the Aether... first it isn't a stone. More of a... an angry sludge thing. Someone's gonna need to amend that. Here's an interesting story, many years ago my grandfather had to hide the stones from the dark elves WoOOoOh scaryyyy beings.. so Jane, look that's her... she's an um old flame of mine... she stuck her hand inside a rock and then the Aether stuck itself inside of her. She was very sick so I took her to Asgard where we had to try and uh fix her. We were together at the time and I got to introduce her to my mother... who's dead.... nothing lasts forever I guess...."
Thor's eyes get glossy as he looks more broken inside
Dad gets up to console him and get him to sit down

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