Pt. 104

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After celebrating Harley and I coming home we all settled down

I was about to take a shower while Pops and dad are cleaning up the lounge

Pietro was already asleep on the bed.
I decide I want to use dads master shower since it has a seat and jets which is awesome

I put on some music and turn on the water

I was humming along to the music as I start to take off my shirt
When I lift it partly off my stomach I see the scar

the scar Steve had mentioned.
Right on my stomach, still a little pink from healing.
Maybe it was the amount of shit I've been through lately but just seeing this scar made me feel awful about myself.
It was a constant reminder of my pain, and the pain I caused my family. Not to mention my dead blood parents...

I stare at it in the mirror. A permanent reminder.

Next thing I know I'm on the floor crying over it. I can't hold it in any longer

"Hey y/n I brought you some towels- y/n?"

I hear dads voice outside the door

"Y/n are you okay?? I'm coming in" he says

He finds me on the floor crying into my arms

"Hey, kid what's wrong?" He sits next to me on the floor

"Dad I-
I cry leaning into him

"Y/n what happened? You gotta tell me" he says in a hushed tone as he strokes my hair

"This scar dad... I'll have to live with everything I've done now" I cry into his side

"The scar? Is that what all this is about??" He asks

I nod

"Come here"
He picks me up and places me on the side of the shower so I can sit up

"Scars are not the end of the world-

"Dad" i try to interrupt him

"Scars are proof of strength, they show you how far you've come, and why you have to keep going" he says

"I don't know dad.." I say with a sigh

"From a man with possibly the biggest scar on the planet you should listen to me" he chuckles a bit

He pulls off his shirt to show the scarred skin that runs rampant all down his right side up to his face and right eye which is now lightly discolored

"You make my problems seem so tiny" I sigh

"Your scar may be smaller but the lesson is the same kid. Scars make you who you are. I'll never be able to fix all of this, but it is a constant reminder to keep moving on because I am strong." He says looking in the mirror at his own scars

"Thanks dad... I think your scars are pretty cool" I sniffle

"Well your scar is badass! Now take a shower you smell"
He jokes around before leaving the bathroom

For the next 2 weeks I was recovering well. I had no issues.
I helped Harley recover quickly as well. With some help from our friend Hellen cho Harley was on his feet in no time

"Okay Harley come on we have to make our graduation caps" I say sitting down with my twin brother who probably couldn't care less about decorating grad caps

"Why are we doing this again" he asks not even looking

"It's a fun tradition" I say back grabbing the puffy paint

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