Pt. 22

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"Come on its time to gooooo!" Pops yells from downstairs waiting for me and dad

"Are you sure it looks okay?" Dad asks as we both adjust ourselves in the mirror

"You look great dad" I say pulling him down and fixing his tie

"Trust me Kid I know" he winks putting his sunglasses on getting back to his cocky attitude

"Mascara or no?" I ask fixing my hair

"Nah you look older with it" he says combing one more piece of hair

"Okay so yes on mascara" I say opening the tube

"Did you not hear me?" Dad chuckles

"Dad I'm 11 and yesterday someone asked if I was even double digits yet" I say putting mascara on

"You look fine without it" dad pouts

"Come on beauty queens!" we hear pops yelling

"Lets go" dad says checking himself out

"Come on loser" I laugh dragging him out of the bathroom
As we come downstairs we see a very impatient steve

"Looking good pops" I put finger guns at him

"I swear you both take forever" he smiles shaking his head

"It's a father daughter thing" I say putting on my heels

"Woah heels? I didn't authorize that" Dad points at them with a confused face

"Where did you get those?" Pops asks

"Aunt nat" I shrug

"Are you sure you want to wear those?" Pops asks

"I have to at least be tall enough to be 11" I sigh walking out the door

We finally get in the car only a few minutes late.

"Late to our own charity fundraiser" I sigh

"Okay let's go over it one more time kid. What do you say to the paparazzi" dad puts his elbows on his knees and holds his hands together waiting for an answer

"I only answer questions about the charity" I nod my head

"Good kid" he pats my head and leans back into Steve's arm

"Also be careful tonight we won't be able to keep you in our sight at all times" pops says

"Don't worry I'll be okay" I smile

Our Audi limo driven by Jarvis stops and we have arrived. I can already hear the thousands of cameras flashing

"You ready" dad asks

"Yes. I got this" I breath for a moment before getting out of the car smiling

I wave to some cameras as I pass, my bodyguard makes sure I stop at the correct interviews

"So miss stark why are you throwing this charity fund?" A man asks me cameras flashing every second

"I came from an orphanage where life wasn't how it should've been. Along with my parents I want to donate money to the kids in orphanages everywhere" I nod my head

"Okay and whats it like living with gay parents" he asks and sticks the microphone in my face

"That will be all thankyou" I push the mic away disgusted and walk to the next interview

Next I take pictures with dad and pops. I feel like a model at this point. We've taken so many pictures my face hurt from smiling.

More people yell my name asking for interviews as we walk into the building.
Inside a huge number of people are waiting patiently for us.
dad and I make our way to the stage area as pops sits.

"Helloooo New York!" I smile and everyone laughs with me as I move over for dad to take the mic

"Sorry I had to" I laugh looking at dad

"Good evening everyone I'm as you know tony stark and this is my gorgeous amazing beautiful daughter y/n" dad says smiling down at me as people cheer and honestly I almost tear up

"Uh yes welcome to my fundraiser" I laugh and look at pops who looks so happy

"I was put in an orphanage as a baby. Living there was a normal, but trust me it was never good. I'm grateful for the sisters I made there and everything I learned. A couple months ago I learned who my real parents were, it was saddening to find out they had both passed but I know now my place was to be here with my dads." I tear up seeing Steve looking up at me proudly

"I'm sorry" I laugh a little wiping a tear

"We are all here today to raise money for y/n to give to the orphans of New York" dad nods his head taking over. His eyes are also glossy

We get our heart warming speech over with and the music comes on. People get up and mingle. Pops dad and I share a hug before people start talking to us. As dad gets into a large conversation I walk off to get a drink.

"Yeah a soda please" I say to the bar tender and he walks off

"So you're y/n?" I hear a voice behind me

"That's me" I smile turning around to see a boy about my age

"I have to say your speech was great" he says

"Oh thanks I worked uh hard on it" I nod my head trying to figure out who this is which he must've noticed the look on my face

"Jeez I didn't even tell you. It's nice to meet you I'm Justin hammer" he says and sticks out his hand

"Nice to meet you" I smile shaking his head. I've definitely heard that name before

I grab my drink and sip it

"Wanna go sit" he shrugs pointing to the lounge

"Sure why not" I say looking around for dad

We sit and chat for a while before dad and another lady come walking over.

"Justin there you are!" She says acting like he was lost for weeks. Justin gives me a disgusted look about his mother smothering him

"Hey dad" I look up at him

"Talk now please sweets" he says holding out his hand

We walk away

"That is Justin hammers son. Did you know that?" Dad asks me

"uhm no i didn't" I say awkwardly

"I was nice enough to invite them for image purpose kid but we don't associate" dad kinda frowns

"Oh okay yeah I get it" I nod trying to understand

"I know a couple people that would love to see you" he smiles and I look over to see aunt nat and Bruce!

"Oh my gosh hey guys!!" I walk as fast as I can to see them

"Wowza you've grown up!" Bruce smiles twirling me

"I bet you don't like that" nat smirks at dad and he just scoffs

"She's still 11" dad mutters

"I love the heels y/n" nat grins

"Thanks for coming you guys" I say

"I was thinking for your birthday next week we go ice skating" nat smirks

"But the only place I know of is Rockefeller Center and that's always packed" I sigh

"Not unless I buy it" dad shrugs

"I love you" I grin up at him

"I know" he says cockily

"Did you just Han Solo me?" I laugh

"Who's Han Solo?" Pops says walking over and we all look at each other

"Looks like we're having a Star Wars marathon" Bruce says before taking a drink

"Agreed" I laugh

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