Pt. 24

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~~ 3 year time skip 😘~~

"We have to figure out a way to get through the barrier" I say frantically looking from camera to camera watching the avengers kick ass

"Watch this y/n" dad says cockily flying right at the force field

"Dad! no-"

"Shit" dad bounces off the field

"Language!! Jarvis what's the view from upstairs?" Pops zooms In on his motorcycle

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken." Jarvis says analyzing the base

"Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last." Thor nods knocking out soldiers

I smirk watching nat flip kicks soldiers into each other
"At long last is lasting a little long, boys." Nat says out of breath

"Really?? no one else is going to deal with the fact that cap just said 'language'?" Dad laughs which makes everyone snicker

"I know I know..." pops says throwing his bike at a truck full of soldiers
"It just slipped out" he sighs

"That's what she said." I mutter making Clint and my dad laugh

"Let's try to break in" dad says flying down into the base

"Sir the city is taking fire" Jarvis says to dad and I

"Yeah just checked the news. They hate us" I sigh watching the feed

"Send in the iron legion" dad says blasting men

"Can't I go deal with it" I ask looking back at my suit

"No you may not" pops says

"Come on please" I whine

"The adults have spoken it's a no all around" dad says sternly

"Ugh fine" I cross my arms and check on hulks camera watching him crash into bunkers
I sit back watching each camera when suddenly Clint gets hit down

"Clint!" Nat yells
I see a flash of blue for a second

"We have an enhanced in the field" pops says looking around alertly

"Clint's hit we have to go!" Nat says quickly

"Tony we really need to get in that base!" Pops yells punching soldiers

"Jarvis am I closing in?" Dad asks

"Got it dad pathway below the tower" I say

I watch dad blow  up the shield

"Anything on the enhanced??" I ask taking notes

"He's a blur. Haven't seen anything like it. In fact I still haven't" pops says breathing heavily

"Guys Clint's down we have to evac"

"Stark secure the scepter. Steve and I are taking on another pack of soldiers" Thor says

"I need someone to get Clint I have to get to banner" Nat says running to find Bruce
Nobody answers so I take it into my own hands

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