Pt 89

973 21 38

I wake up on the nice couch I passed out on.

For a minute I couldn't remember what happened.

Then I jump up Scared
But nobody is there.

As much as I want to scream and cry and wait for some glimmer of hope. That won't get me out of here.

I reach in my pocket for my phone but it isn't there.

I get up and slowly tip toe around.

I get to the front door!!

There's a lock on it that is fingerprint open only....

I turn and see a glass patio door on the other side of the house.

I try to run that way but I get stopped by mommy dearest.

"Y/n! You're finally awake" she smiles innocently

"Let me go." I say calm and seriously

"Y/n what are you talking about?" She asks with a confused look

"I want to go home. Please." I say slowly backing away

"You are home silly!" She laughs lightly

"No... you can't do this.." I say nervously

"Come on I'll make some dinner" She waves me near

"You can't do this! Tony will find you... I will go home" I shake my head more of saying these things to myself

"Tony??" She asks confused

"My dad, he will come for me. And you'll be in deep shit." I cross my arms

"Honey your dads name is James... are you sure you aren't feeling sick at all??" She asks worriedly

"I know you work for Hydra and I know what you're doing!" I yell

I continue to walk backwards towards the patio door

"James! Y/n is awake now!" She yells

I run to the door and try to open it. But it wont open

"No. No. Nononononono!!!" I pull on the door forcefully

"There's my daughter!" I turn to see James

Before I can react I feel a needle in my neck and I fall to the ground.
The pain is so bad

I once again can unconsciously hear everything

"Don't you think they'll come looking for her? God what were we thinking" James sighs

"They have no idea where she is!" Alison says back defensively

"You don't know that!" James yells

There's a silence...

"Well did you at least make sure this drug will work?" Alison says quietly

"It'll keep her mind super foggy. Almost like a vegetable"

"Great. Just great James. A vegetable as a daughter" Alison says disappointed

"But hey she won't remember a thing"

When I wake up I feel very tired. everything hurts.

"Where am I?" I ask seeing I'm on a couch

"Y/n, I'm so glad you're awake!" A woman says to me

"Who are you?" I ask slowly

"Y/n I'm your mother" she smiles

My super family Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon