Pt 117

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It had been about a week since doctor Strange was in contact with me, and Pietro thought it was about time we should go check on Wanda.

"We'll fly to Clint's home first, last I talked to her she was there" Pietro says as we pack our bags

"Perfect, even if she left I'm sure Clint will know where she went" I nod

"Which suit are you bringing?" Pietro asks as he zips up his bags

"Good question.. lets go to the lab for a minute" I nod for him to follow me

We go to the lab where I look through my suits

"Ms y/n there is a message from Mr. Stark" Jarvis says

"Play it Jarv" I respond

*-Heyy since you said you were going to see Wanda, I thought speedy Gonzalez needed an upgrade in case you run into some trouble. Ask Jarvis to bring it out. By the way Steve and I are taking a trip to Venezuela, but remember we are just a call away. Stay safe kiddos, love ya-*

"An upgrade?" Pietro smirks looking at me

"He loves to spoil" I roll my eyes with a smile

"Jarvis bring up my new suit" pietro commands

"Will do" Jarvis responds.

From the floor a glass case rises with a new suit made from a special flexi-fiber made by my dad that specifically helps Pietro to be more aerodynamic.
There's a little sticky note on the front
'Took a while to finally get it right. Enjoy, Mark 1' :) - dad/Tony

I giggle that he dorkishly wrote dad/Tony

"Holy shit" Pietro smiles opening the case

It's a grey design with blue accents, and 2 white and blue lightening strips down the sides

"Looks pretty hot babe, I'm kinda jealous" I laugh seeing him fanboy over his own suit

"Hold on"

He flashes away and in a second he's in front of me flexing in his new suit

"Wow this is nice!" He smiles like a dork

"Looks amazing" I laugh applauding him as he poses

"Looks like there's something for you too" Pietro points to the lab table where there is a box sitting

I walk over and pick it up. There's a note on top, 'finally got around to it, thanks for your help in Germany'

"Oh my god no way" I laugh opening the box

Inside is only a flash drive with the name F.A.I.T.H. on it.

"Faith?" Pietro reads

"My own AI. Late is better than never I guess" I smile clutching the flash drive

"You know you'd think that your dad is such a genius, why is it on a flash drive?" Pietro chuckles

"Shut up" I laugh

After picking out my suit we grab our things and put them in the car

"I better say bye to the boys" I nod

"Hey pete?" I swing into his doorway to see there are webs all over

"Hey- new web fluid" he looks up from his desk taking his glasses off

"Cool- Pietro and I are going to see Wanda for a while. I'll keep you updated. Don't fight with Harley okay?" I say

"Alright, cool" he nods getting up

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