Pt 101

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The anger and anxiety that rose in my chest when Bucky spoke those words.
The people who scared me most in the world have escaped and my twin brother is missing.

Dad freaks out immediately. His original super child is potentially missing and just the thought of Harley in danger put us all on edge

I sit frozen trying to process this

"It's all over the news, the authorities are looking everywhere." Bucky says

"Jarvis get mark 85 up" dad commands

"Honey- Wait we don't even know if they have Harley" Steve says trying to be reasonable

"Call him" I suggest

Dad whips out his phone and speed dials Harley
It goes to voicemail

"Melissa! Call mell" I say

We dial Melissa and it rings, and rings

She answers

"Melissa, hey it's Tony, just wondering if Harley was with you? We had a crazy night and just wanted to make sure he's alright" dad says acting casual

*-Oh Harley? Yes um yeah he's with me... he's uh asleep-*
she speaks fast

"Thank you! That is great to hear. Take care, bye"

"See he's alright" Steve says trying to calm dad

"I- .. fine. He's okay. But we have to keep y/n safe. So Jarvis put the compound on lockdown" dad sighs

"Thanks dad" I smile softly

"No leaving, at all" dad says seriously

"I won't leave" I nod

"Hey where's Harley?" Peter asks with a yawn

"Melissa's" I reply

Little did we know, Harley was not at Melissa's....

Later that night Pietro and I had gone to bed fairly early since we were still so tired.

I woke up in the middle of the night to pee.
I bring my phone to the bathroom with me out of habit.
I checked the clock it was about 3:30

As I'm washing my hands my phone lights up with a number I don't recognize?

I watch it ring..
curiosity gets the best of me and I pick up the phone

"Hello?" I say nervously

*-Y/n darling! Oh I miss you. Listen your father and I are out and we can't wait to see you!-*
That familiar wicked voice echos on the phone

"What makes you think I'm going to see you?" I ask after a moment

*-Oh don't be silly. See you have no choice but to come see us. Or some things might happen that you might not like-* she laughs

"What are you talking about?" I demand

*-I'm sending you the coordinates hun... ooh! One more thing, you try to tell anyone about this call or where you're going.. I've got shooters on all sides of that nice compound of yours. And a certain someone who wants to talk to you...-*
There's a muffled sound before I hear another voice

*-Y/n!? Y/n! Please help!-*
Harley's voice strains over the phone

"Harley!" I tear up

*-he's okay! I think.. tried asking him some questions about your family but he just won't talk.. had to beat the answers out of him-* she laughs again

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