Pt. 7

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I rush to a window to see a long slick dark haired man being walked off the jet in handcuffs with a very tall blonde man. Next is aunt Natasha. And then dad!!! And Captain America!!

I run to the doors that lead into the hall way and watch the men bring Loki the criminal inside and put him in a cell. After he's safely put away. I try to find my dad. I see him walk in with the others.

"Dad!!" I shout and run through the doors to greet him

"Hey squirt" he gives me a weak smile at picks me up

"I'm so glad you beat the bad guy!" I smile

"We haven't exactly beat him" he sighs

"You really think this is the place for a kid Stark" Captain America says

"dad that's your man crush!" I laugh and everyone stares at dad

"Sorry she got my sense of humor." Dad rolls his eyes and walks away from the others with me

"Did you miss me" he says and I hug him tightly

"Of course!" I say

"Okay well I have to go have a meeting with the avengers so you have two choices. Come with and sit nice and quiet or stay in this room which is ours and watch tv or something" dad says taking off his suit.

"I want to come!" I smile

We leave our room and go back to the big main room where 4 of the avengers are sitting. Gamma rays, star spangled banner, aunt nat, and Thor.

"What does he need the iridium for!" I hear mr. banner say as dad and I walk in

"It's a stabilizer unit. So the portal won't collapse on itself like at shield." Dad says and points for me to sit down. Aunt nat winks at me

"He just needs something to kickstart the cube" dad finishes after rambling on about loki

"Selvicks notes says it all? The papers? Am I the only one who did the reading??" Dad asks waving his arms up

They talk more about science. And I watch dad talk to the hulk. Then nick comes in and talks about Loki. Then we all walk to the lab.
I quietly follow dad and listen to them talk about more science!
Then dad pokes hulk with a stick and Bruce yells. I see Steve walk in and he doesn't seem too happy with dad.

"He's the spy of all spies. His secrets have secrets" I hear dad say about fury. I thought we could trust nick?
I tone them out and play with my barbies until I hear something interesting.
"Even if Barton didn't tell loki about stark tower it was all over the news" Bruce says

"Stark tower that big ugly-" cap says and dad and I shoot a glare at him

-building in New York" cap finishes his sentence with no hesitation

I watch as things get really heated between dad and Captain America (dads man crush. Soon cap leaves and it's just Bruce dad and I

"That y/n is the guy my dad never shut up about" dad says to me

"Y/n huh. Hi I'm Bruce" dr banner says while working

"Hi Bruce" I smile

They go back to work and I play a game on my tablet.
I talk to Bruce about the science I'm learning at school and he seems enthused.

"What are you doing Mr. Stark" fury asks stomping in the room

"Uh I've been wondering the same about you" dad snarks

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