Pt. 126

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Dad made us some tea and we sat out on the patio looking at the lake as I told him everything.

"It was incredible dad, like as soon as we got there I knew wanda had created her own world inside this little town.." I shake my head

"And you went inside for her?" Dad asks

"Shes family. We had to go in and get her. The people working for sword wouldn't let us go in, so we snuck in... and that's when it all changed. Pietro and I were older and somehow in the 1960s" I smile thinking of when we first arrived in Westview

"The 60s? I heard that was a fun time, sorry mind if I sit?" Steve asks coming outside

"I don't mind pops" I shake my head

"Y/n was just telling me about her time in Westview" dad says as steve sits down

"Pietro and I were quite a bit older when we got into the hex. We had our own little house next to Wanda's. And I got to see vision again who was my brother haha... I missed him. Then Wanda got pregnant, I am sure she was scared... So she made me pregnant also. Inside I was scared and nervous but my character was so excited and we were all going to have a family together." I think of all the emotions I felt at that time.

"Sounds like Wanda was lucky to have you and pietro there to support her." Steve nods trying to be supportive of the situation that happened while dad squints trying to understand

"Yeah, once our kids were born they were inseparable. There wasn't a day that went by where we weren't at Wanda's house. She always had something planned, whether it was adopting a puppy o-or..." I giggle tearing up remembering those days

"Go on, sounds fun" dad says supportively

I take a breath
"Wanda had twins. Tommy and Billy. Two boys. Tommy was a troublemaker speedy like his uncle Pietro, and silly. Billy was so smart, looks just like his mom, even shared the same powers as her. Vision loved those kids, tried his hardest to be a good dad" I laugh thinking of vision

"And your family?" Steve asks

"Pietro and I had a son. God- he was beautiful. Soft dark curly hair, my crooked smile, Pietro's eyes... he was brilliant dad, 5 years old he was doing magic!" I smile softly wiping a tear as I think of my son

"Magic!?" Dad gasps happily

"Mhm, learned from watching me! And that's what his power was- he could mimic any power!" I grin

"Wow! And just what was this super kiddos name?" Dad asks softly

"Faith. He was so brilliant dad... you guys would have loved him" I cry a bit

"Faith?" Dad asks curiously

"Yeah Faith like the-
I gasp a little

"Like the a.i. System I gave you?" Dad asks

"Oh my god" I realize

I get up and call my suit to me

It only takes a few minutes for it to fly to the lake house.

"Faith" I speak to it as it lands in front of me

"Hello Ms y/n. It's me Friday. It seems that the programming for FAITH has been overwritten?" She says

"What!? Give me the card" I command

The helmet spits out the chip that reads Faith.

"Come on let's get it to the lab" dad says

We go to the lake house basement where dad has a system set up

"What if it's broken?" I ask nervously

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