Part Nine: "Lawrenced"

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Gwen got dressed for school and walked down the stairs

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Gwen got dressed for school and walked down the stairs. Her dad acted like nothing happened from their talk. Yeah, he was pissed that his daughter was getting trained by his mortal enemy. But only if she agreed that she wouldn't turn into a asshole, or in his words, "Lawrenced."

She walked downstairs and her dad was talking to his wife while her brother ate his English muffin. "Morning mom. Dad," she said, sitting down. "So, what's for breakfast?"

Right then, Sam walked down. "Hi Sam," Gwen said, turning around. "Hey sis."

"What, no banana-rama pancakes today?" Sam asked, sitting down.

Daniel gladly got out a frying pan. "I'm about to whip up a batch right now," he said, smiling. "I thought this wasn't a restaurant?"

"Just...Eat your muffin."

"Y'know, Sam, its gonna be hot this weekend. Maybe you can invite Kyler over for a swim?" He asked and Gwen became nervous.

"I don't think Kyler's gonna be around anymore," Sam said, kind of happily, and Gwen smiled.

"He's gone," she mumbled. "Oh, I'm sorry, honey," Amanda said, frowning.

"Nah, he was a bitch anyway. You're too good for him," Gwen said and her father looked at her as if to say Language. "But I mean, she isn't wrong," Sam said, chuckling. Sam realized her dad smiling.

"Don't get too excited dad.." Sam said and her father frowned. "What? Who? Me? This is my sad face, this is my very sad face," he said, pointing to his frown-smile thing.

 "What? Who? Me? This is my sad face, this is my very sad face," he said, pointing to his frown-smile thing

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Gwen got to the dojo, wanting to talk to Johnny, even though she was still in her Equestrian attire.

"Sensei Lawrence?" She asked walking in. "Huh," he asked, from his office. "I need to tell you something," she said.

Johnny continued looking at a magazine at her, a bit confused.

"So, my full name is Gwendolyn LaRusso," she said, standing in front of the table.

"I know," he murmured.

Gwen's face went from confused to even more confused. "Wait—how?" She asked.

Johnny crossed his arms, kicking his feet on the desk. "Miguel told me, plus I saw your drivers license," he said, looking at a magazine.

"And you're not mad at me?"

"No—Well, kinda," he said, until he finally looked up at her. "What the hell are you wearing?" He asked. "Oh, this is my equestrian uniform. I've won 6 Gold Trophies in Rodeo, 3 in Equestrian," she said, taking off her hat.

"Badass," he said, smirking.

"Hey sensei?!" Miguel asked, he just came in.

"Miguel?!" She asked, running towards the front.

She ran towards him and hugged him. Johnny came into view and Miguel went to him as we went to the main room of the dojo. "My mom says I could train again!"

"Good, because I need to know if you both are able to step things up?" Johnny asked. Gwen and Miguel smiled at each other. "Yes, Sensei."

"You got beat up because you didn't have any defense," Johnny said.

"*cough* one of us *cough*," she said, with a chuckle from Miguel. Miguel playfully nudged her shoulder.

"Yes, and the best defense... Hai!" Johnny threw a punch in Miguel and Gwen's faces, thinking they would flinch, but they didn't. "is more offence."

A/N: I hope you liked this chapter, sorry its so short, but in the show its the end of an episode and I didn't was a cut between two DIFFERENT episodes. Again, I hoped you liked the book so far and I'll see you in the next one.

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