Part Thirty-Seven: Disappointment

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Gwen put on her gi, ready to do the presentation. She began chewing her fingernails, knowing she's overwhelmed with Weston, her dad, Johnny, committing to her relationship.

"Babe, you okay?" Miguel asked. "With your dad in all?"

"Well, I don't really have a choice, do I," she said, trying to keep up her smile.

"Okay," Miguel said.

A little bit later, they ran up to the stage, chanting "Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai!", Gwen making eye contact with her father, who was on stage with his presentation

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A little bit later, they ran up to the stage, chanting "Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai!", Gwen making eye contact with her father, who was on stage with his presentation.

She had hurt eyes, while he had sadness with a hint of anger. She stood on the stage, in a line, beside Miguel and Hawk.

They began doing their jumps, kicks and punches. "Cobras, show them what real karate looks like," Johnny instructed.

Though Gwen didn't agree that this was 'real karate' she still did it.

Gwen began fighting the other Cobras, circling her opponent. One by one, the opponents were gone. It was only Miguel and Gwen left. They only smiled and began throwing fists. After a while, Gwen grabbed Miguel's hand, then threw him onto his back, while she used her foot to keep him down.

He laid on the floor, smiling like a little boy on Christmas Morning. But still beatin'. Damn, he looked hot.

Next, Aisha began karate chopping boards with a blindfold on. Then, Hawk pulled Demetri onto the stage and shoved him a board. Hawk took a few steps back, then ran forward, jumping off a boy, and slicing the board halfway with his foot.

They began throwing Cobra Kai towels, shirts, etc. at the crowd.

"Cobras, light it up!"

Johnny smashed a burning cement block using his fist. The crowd cheered while Cobra Kai walked towards Johnny lining up. "You did it, Sensei," Miguel said.

Gwen didn't pay attention. All she thought about was what she had just done. To her own dojo. To her sister. To her father. She closed her eyes and wished it was a dream, but unfortunately, it wasn't. All she could do, is look at her family's faces she had hurt.

Gwen walked around, out of the gi, talking with Christina, who she had found watching her at the presentation

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Gwen walked around, out of the gi, talking with Christina, who she had found watching her at the presentation.

"So, you're a talented singer, badass karate kid. What else are you?"

"Ok, Christina, what do you want," Gwen asked, smiling.

"Quebek, maybe, possibly has a presentation coming up, and I don't have anyone to sing," Christina asked.

"Duh, of course I'll sing," Gwen said, hugging her boss. "Thanks so much, Gwen! You're so awesome!!"

Gwen was interrupted by a voice. Her fathers. "Hey, kiddo," he said, his voice full of hurt.

"Hey Cris, can I have some time? I'll meet you at the French Fry place over there."


She walked away and Gwen looked into her Dad's eyes. "Hey Dad," she said.

"What was that? If you're trying to rebel against me or something, say it," Daniel told his daughter.

"Dad, it's not that. About the commercial, that isn't it."

"Then what is it?!" Daniel forcefully shouted.

"Weston Lewis is back in town! I already have enough on my mind keeping track of Miyagi-Do times, Cobra Kai, keeping up with my relationship, and yelling at myself about what I need isn't on that list," she yelled, sitting on the bench, beginning to cry.

Her dad joined her on the bench quickly, trying to comfort his crying daughter.

He rubbed her shoulders.

"Danny, what's wrong?" Amanda asked, walking towards her daughter.

"Weston's back," she said. Her sister joined her. Yes, she was mad about what Cobra Kai had done, but her sister needed comforting.

Amanda sat beside her eldest daughter, with Sam beside her.  Amanda placed her head on her sisters shoulders. Gwen rubbed her own shoulders. "I can go kick his ass for you," Sam volunteered, trying to cheer up her twin.

Gwen laughed through the tears.

The girls connected their hands to reveal their twin bracelets.

The girls connected their hands to reveal their twin bracelets

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(pick one for you and one for Sam)

"Me too!" Volunteered Anthony, who was standing beside his mother. "Me three," volunteered Daniel.

"You have my permission," Gwen said, wiping away her tears. "And fly! Take them by storm and kill their facility!" She yelled in a British accent, trying to laugh instead of cry. Her family laughed.

"You ready to fly?" Asked Christina.

"Flying further farther faster, baby," Gwen said. (Hope you get that reference)

"You watch Captain Marvel. Disney and Marvel movies, nice," Christina said.

"OK, first, let's clean you up," Christina said, dragging Gwen back to the stage.

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