Part Twenty-One: Partying with the Squad

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Meanwhile, Maggie, Mason and Peter were already there. They watched as the couple hopped out of the car and Miguel helpers her down the hill. "C'mon, lovebirds, we have a party to host!" Aisha yelled. "OK, we're coming," Gwen yelled, grabbing Miguel's hand and running towards Aisha.

"Dammit!" Aisha called. "What," Gwen said, getting down there. "I can't get this thing to work," she said, about the boombox. "Easy," Gwen said. She got on her phone and turned on her Bluetooth and turned it on. "Wake me up," by Avicii began playing by default.

People began to pour from cars. The riff for the song began to play and Maggie and Gwen danced along to it, doing the do-si-do. Gwen realized someone special wasn't there. Sam.

GWEN🧖🏇: Hey, we are holding a party, you're welcome to come if you like.

SAM: typinggg...

SAM: still typingg... then stops.

"Whatever. Let's get this party started," Gwen said, putting away her phone and Miguel pulled out a beer. But she got a cup, while he got a glass bottle.

Later on, songs played, Gwen and Maggie danced, getting lots of attention

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Later on, songs played, Gwen and Maggie danced, getting lots of attention. Then Gwen and Maggie had dance off's, being the best friends they were. "Cotton Eye Joe" began playing and Maggie and Gwen immediantly started dancing, both knowing the line dance.

But she had lost the attention. Because Yasmine just got wedgied but Aisha, and Gwen didn't care, she cared how the Fake-Barbie got put down.

After the song was over, Gwen walked over to Miguel. He was obviously full-on drunk. He walked to the cooler, going to grab another beer.

"Miguel, no more for you," she said, pulling it out of his hand. He tried to object, but she said no.

Gwen looked at the cars and saw Sam's car sitting behind Gwen. "Sam," she whispered, walking towards Sam, who was going down a hill. Unknowingly, Miguel followed her. She went to talk to Sam, but Robby went in front of her.

"Hey, Gwen, how are you," he said, kinda flirting a little in those few words.

"I'm good, you?"

"Peachy 'Keene,'" he joked and Gwen laughed. "Smooth Keene, real smooth," she said, punching his shoulder.

"Hey," Miguel said, walking towards Robby.

"Hey," Robby said, not such a fan of Miguel.

"Hey, you two OK? You look like you have like a war going on," Gwen said, then she realized. Robby liked her as well.

"You really think she's going to want you," Miguel asked.

"Miguel, what the hell?!" Gwen asked.

"Do you think she wants to date a asshole?" Robby said.


"You know him?" Miguel asked Gwen. "Ye-Yeah. He works with my Dad."

"Oh, oh, with you Dad. Ok, that makes a lot of sense," Miguel said, drunkenly staring at Robby.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Gwen said, standing in front of Robby and Sam. "You've been drinking waaaaay too much, Miguel."

"No, nonono. You don't get to turn this on me. You know this pretty boy, he was there at that dinner last night, flirting with you, and you didn't even seem to realize it. Huh, wonder why?"

"He works for my fuckin' Father. Just because I know another boy, who isn't you, you get to fucking mess with my head!" Gwen could see Mason and Peter walking up behind her, like protective brothers.

"Oh, that's so convenient!"

"Hey, man, just leave her alone-" Robby began.

"You get out of here!!" Miguel yelled, shoving Robby.

"Both of you, cut it out!!" She screamed. "You are just being total idiots. Dumbasses, even."

Robby stood up and ran towards Miguel. Miguel threw a right hook at Robby, but Gwen was hit instead. She flew to the ground, head first. "GWEN!" Miguel shouted, worried.

"GOD, you fucking asshole! My dad was right... Cobra Kai does change people."

But not me.

She let out a sigh. "Once you're done being a shit, come find me."

"Where are you going?"


Sam ran up to her to join her. "Not now, Sam, please, I just wanna be left alone," Gwen said, walking down the beach, crying.

Miguel looked at her with sorry eyes. Robby turned around and walked to Sam. She was pissed at him. He shouldn't have done that. But that was the rivalry that started everything.

Meanwhile, Gwen walked down the beach, sobbing. She cried till her eyes were dry, then once they were filled, she would cry again. She didn't know about anything she felt like. Yes, she probably shouldn't of talked to a boy that had a crush on her, but she didn't know what to feel.

It was hard to think that earlier that day, Miguel was the boy telling her to eat and not worry, now here he was, who was, in Gwen's eyes, happy she wasn't at the party. But that wasn't. He felt bad.

But Robby couldn't leave it alone. He didn't want to. He thought Gwen deserved better, which to be honest, she did, but she was sick of getting everything she ever wanted. Ever wanted something for her birthday she never mentioned, got it.

She sat on the beach, shivering. She didn't want to go back to the bonfire, not there. She closed her eyes, which felt like they were 10,000 pounds, and fell asleep.

 She closed her eyes, which felt like they were 10,000 pounds, and fell asleep

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When Gwen woke up, with a frown on her. Yesterday night did happen... She looked at the sun, which was about to rise. She removed her head from the sand, and shook most of it out of her hair

Gwen phone dinged. She bet it was her friends. She didn't answer. She was thinking too much about Miguel.

She loved him. She truly did. And nothing, NOTHING, would ever stop that. Yes, he was a piece of shit when he was drunk, but there are a lot of people out there that can be pieces of shit even without alcohol. She took a breath, thinking to herself.

Gwen took out her phone, calling her mom.

Her mom wasn't up yet, big surprise even though it was 6:00 AM. "Hey mom, its me. I...Um, I'm at the beach. I stayed and watched the sunrise last night, I hope that's fine with you. I'm sorry I didn't call. Love you...and Dad too," she said, and put her phone away. She stood up. "Back into the frey," she sighed, cuddling herself with her arms.

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